40 Things Every Mom and Daughter Should Do Together at Least Once
40 Things Every Mom and Daughter Should Do Together at Least Once
Every mother-daughter relationship is different. Maybe you survived the rollercoaster teenage years only to realize you've come out of it closer than ever. Or or maybe you're a new mom with a bored toddler on her hands. Ahead, these memory-making adventures are divided into two parts: Things to do with Mom, and activities if you're booking for your own daughter.
WITH YOUR MOM: Sign up for a French cooking class.
Whether you're making crêpes, pain au chocolate, or poulet au vin rouge, take up the challenge together to immerse yourself in a new type of cooking where you're both newbies. Don't be afraid to pronounce the dishes in your best French accent. Oh là là!
WITH YOUR MOM: Escape everything and go on a yoga retreat.
Save this one for when you realize you're both spending way too much of your precious Skype dates venting about work. Zen-ing out with your favorite person will leave you feeling refreshed, centered, and ready to take on life — plus, it will become a memory that only you two will share.
WITH YOUR MOM: Get tipsy at a mimosa brunch.
Once you're at the point where you can joke about missed curfews and silly fights, you can also afford to get a little tipsy together (drink responsibly!) and dish on the latest neighborhood gossip ... or even the cute waiter. Another round, s'il vous plait!
WITH YOUR MOM: Go hunting bargains at a flea market.
What's way more fun than shopping at IKEA? Scoring one-of-a-kind antiques for your mantle at the flea market. Add to it the challenge of discovering who has the best haggling skills. Winner buys lunch!
WITH YOUR MOM: Devour everything at the farmers' market.
Ask for a taste of their newest gouda, the latest apple variety, or a garlic-y pickle. Today is a cheat day — no calorie-counting allowed!
WITH YOUR MOM: Sing at the top of your lungs on a road trip.
Because who better to love you despite your off-key Beyoncé-ing? Challenge each other to see who really knows all the words to "I Will Survive."
WITH YOUR MOM: Try a paint-and-sip class.
You'll find studios all over the country that invite you to drink vino while learning how to paint. (The wine not only makes it more fun, but it'll loosen up your Picasso skills.) When you're done, you can compare your creations and see whose painting matches the instructor's the most.
WITH YOUR MOM: Book the wackiest spa treatments on the menu.
Whether it's a fish pedicure, a snail massage, a snake venom facial, or an old-fashioned mud bath, get one together, then compare notes. Who knows, maybe one of you will be into it!
WITH YOUR MOM: Cook your grandma's spaghetti bolognese.
There's nothing like learning how to make a family-honored recipe together. It'll bring mom back to the kitchen when she was a kid and you can smile knowing you can pass on the beloved tradition to your kids someday.
WITH YOUR MOM: Spend a day museum hopping.
She likes art, you like natural history. Plan out in advance your must-see exhibits so you don't miss a thing. (Oh, and don't forget to pick up a few things from the gift shop — they have some fabulous things.)
WITH YOUR MOM: Spend a Saturday sipping wine.
If there's one thing that goes well together it's wine … and wine. Put on your snootiest face as you pretend to properly sniff and swirl, and dive head first into numerous cheese plates. You can set-up shop at home or go to an actual vineyard!
WITH YOUR MOM: Take a girls' trip to a big city.
Whether its Des Moines or Denver, head into the city for a day. You can plan your itinerary of sights to see, things to do, and restaurants to visit, or go ahead and let the day unfold spontaneously. You're guaranteed to have fun either way.
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WITH YOUR MOM: Team up on karaoke night.
Even if you're shy and afraid to tap into your inner Britney Spears, she's in there somewhere. Pick a song that you two love, give it a whirl a couple times through at home, then take it to karaoke night. Remember: The audience loves Oops! ... I Did It Again just as much as you do.
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WITH YOUR MOM: Dress up in fancy clothes and go to the opera.
Plan each other's outfit, get your hair done, and head out for a night neither of you will ever forget. During the intermission, get into a deep discussion about how moving the arias really are.
WITH YOUR MOM: Make Thanksgiving dinner together.
It's a huge undertaking, no doubt, when you consider the turkey, appetizers, side dishes, desserts, and the tablescape. But doing it together — with a bangin' Spotify playlist — will make it feel like a party. (Plus, it's a sneaky way to learn the tricks so you can take the reins next year!)
WITH YOUR MOM: DIY an epic milestone birthday gift.
A purchased gift is special, but DIYing it takes it to a whole new level. Let your Pinterest flag fly free and make her personalized notecards or head to a pottery studio to create a set of unique bowls.
WITH YOUR DAUGHTER: Order ice cream sundaes as big as your face.
Don't underestimate the mood-lifting powers of the banana split (or whatever ooey-gooey creation you two want to dig into). Also: It doesn't matter if it's in the middle of July or sometime in January; ice cream always tastes good. If it's cold out, order it with hot fudge.
WITH YOUR DAUGHTER: Ditch your to-do lists for a day at the beach.
Call in sick and swear off email. Don't worry if all you want to do is lay under a beach umbrella, wade in up to your ankles, and just hang out together.
WITH YOUR DAUGHTER: Dress up in tutus (or whatever she wants!) and go out.
Your daughter gets a day to pick out her outfit (and, if you're so inclined, yours too) without Mom telling her to go change. Tiaras, patterned tights, a thousand necklaces — anything goes! Then, go out for the day with confidence and a silly attitude.
WITH YOUR DAUGHTER: Cuddle puppies at an animal shelter.
Pups that need a forever home need some serious TLC. Sign up to volunteer one day and play with them, cuddle them and take them for walks. They'll reward you with kisses. And she'll learn about how wonderful it feels to help all creatures.
WITH YOUR DAUGHTER: Stay up too late playing board games.
Who's afraid of a little friendly competition? Not your daughter. Have a Scrabble marathon, play checkers, or hone your skills at charades. Don't call "last game" until you're both rubbing your eyes.
WITH YOUR DAUGHTER: Be #basic and go apple picking.
September is the month to go, so head out and pick as many apples as you can spot. You may even find varieties that usually aren't available in stores (like a banana apple). When you get home, stock up your fridge with your favorite apple dishes.
WITH YOUR DAUGHTER: Plant a tree in your yard.
This is the perfect activity to do when they're young because she can think of it as her tree. She'll love watching it grow as she grows, and it'll leave a lasting mark on her childhood home. Bring on all the warm fuzzies.
WITH YOUR DAUGHTER: Visit a farm and feed the animals.
A little time outside plus some cute animals (yours might have goats and pigs) and you two can have a blast running around the farm together. If they sell milk, cheese, or ice cream — or serve up apple cider doughnuts — don't forget to stop in the shop for a yummy take-home.
WITH YOUR DAUGHTER: Have a rainy-day movie marathon.
Gloomy days can be boring and set off bad moods. Calling it "movie marathon" day and planning an afternoon of flicks is fun. It can be themed (Disney, black and white) or simply filled with her favorites.
WITH YOUR DAUGHTER: Read her your favorite book as a little girl.
Whether it was If You Give a Mouse a Cookie, The Polar Express, or a book in the Ramona Quimby series, cuddle up and share your love of reading with her. Then, let her pick out her favorite book (the one she asks for over and over…) and read it again.
WITH YOUR DAUGHTER: Have a picnic at an outdoor concert.
This is the perfect opportunity to grab all of the goodies you two love (olives, spiced nuts, sliced fruit, pizza to-go) and toast to the band over a glass of Prosecco (for you) and sparkling grape juice (for her).
WITH YOUR DAUGHTER: Throw her a surprise birthday party.
It's guaranteed to be the one she'll always remember. Order her favorite cake (chocolate-chocolate), get her favorite food (pizza) and play games until the sun goes down. Then, maybe she'll return the favor when you hit a milestone year.
WITH YOUR DAUGHTER: Spend an afternoon looking at her baby pictures.
She was always so cute and sweet, right? (Except for the photographic proof you have of the stink-eye she gave you when she was 3.) You'll laugh and probably cry at how — cliché as it sounds — time really does whiz by.
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WITH YOUR DAUGHTER: Visit the set of a movie or TV show.
Movies film in big cities and small towns all the time. The best part about visiting them is seeing how they've transformed the street. Take her to see a few scenes being filmed. Who knows, maybe they'll ask you to be extras!
WITH YOUR DAUGHTER: Have a dance-off at home.
Now is the perfect time to forget embarrassment and groove, baby, groove! Put on the Frozen soundtrack and be prepared to both bring your best dance moves. If your moves don't "go with" the song, no one is there to judge. Break out the "sprinkler" or "grocery cart" as you wish.
WITH YOUR DAUGHTER: Let her ditch an afternoon of school take her to the movies.
School: so important. (You're both on the same page about this.) But it will feel extra special when you let her skip an afternoon to hang out just the two of you for a matinee, especially if it's the first day a new blockbuster is out.
WITH YOUR DAUGHTER: Have a take-no-prisoners snowball fight.
Make one promise — you'll be nice (no snowballs in the face) — but you won't go easy on each other. Then it's time to play! Not only can we guarantee you'll laugh a ton, but you'll also love heading inside to warm up with some hot cocoa and marshmallows.
WITH YOUR DAUGHTER: Start an all-out tickle fight.
Tickle her until she laughs so hard she can't anymore. Then, let her come after you. Deep, belly laughing together releases bonding endorphins.
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WITH YOUR DAUGHTER: Go on a neighborhood scavenger hunt.
Ideas are readily available on places like Pinterest, or you can go ahead and make one up on your own. Tailor it to her age and abilities and take a photo of what you find.
WITH YOUR DAUGHTER: Spend one dinner making goofy faces at each other.
You've got a goofy side to you, and she's got to see that. In the middle of dinner, throw her your best silly face and challenge her to give it right back to you. The war is on!
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WITH YOUR DAUGHTER: Take her out on regular mommy-and-me dates.
If she has any brothers or sisters, she's probably craving some solo time with you. Every month or two, plan a fun adventure to go on (the aquarium, a baseball game, even a simple cupcake date) and make sure 100% of your attention is on her and only her.
WITH YOUR DAUGHTER: Take her back to your college campus.
You were once young, too! (Hello, you still are.) This is especially relevant if she's heading off to college soon. Point out the place you used to love to grab a slice of pizza, your old dorm (yes, it probably still exists), and all the time you spent laying out on the quad.
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WITH YOUR DAUGHTER: Let her buy you a fancy dinner.
Once she's all grown up, the tables have turned. If she's excited to take you out for a change, why not let her? She gets to pick the place, and you get to enjoy her company and pat yourself on the back for raising a loving, generous human.
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WITH YOUR DAUGHTER: Plan a photoshoot for just the two of you.
Doesn't matter if she's still a kid, a teen or is on her own now. Hire a photographer to capture your relationship in the moment. And, feel free to be cheesy about it and plan coordinating outfits. Because why not?
Which ones have you checked off already?