4 Ways to Deal If You’re Married to a Neat Freak
You gotta hand it to neat freaks: They know exactly where everything is at all times. (Keys? They’re behind the couch cushion. Phone? You left it in the coat pocket of your wool jacket, not your puffer.) If you’re not blessed with this kind of internal GPS for inanimate objects, it can be a perk. But if can also be a stressor, especially if you describe yourself as anything but Type A. Here, how to keep up with the cleanliness.
RELATED: 23 Things Only Type-A People Understand
Do One Small Cleaning Task Every Day
It may seem like an insurmountable ask to tackle one area of disorganization daily, but what is actually a miniscule amount of effort (for example, hanging up your coat or loading the dishwasher after dinner) goes a long way in the eyes of your spouse. For one thing, they’ll see you’re trying—and, perhaps more importantly, that you truly are listening when they nag/pester/complain about the lack of order at home. Second, you’ll reap the rewards of a more organized space, but also have the opportunity to take pride in your contributions. (“Honey, did you see how hard I worked organizing the fridge?”)
Avoid Addressing Their Habits with Sarcasm
It’s hard not to take a dig at your spouse when they are scrubbing the grout in the bathroom with a toothbrush or using a lint roller to “dust” the living room lampshades. But take a beat: After all, their neat freak inclinations are aimed at the greater good—a cleaner home, which everyone living there benefits from. (Yep, this means you, Pigpen.)
…And, Simultaneously, Try to Hear Them Out
Yes, you *do* tend to leave every single kitchen cabinet open every time you do something simple like take out a water glass or grab a fork. Your spouse is right. (Although you hate to admit it.) Ask yourself: Is this a habit that I could potentially change? (Consider this: If you do successfully change it, no more wasted breath on that broken record conversation—a win-win for you both.)
Negotiate One ‘Slob Space’
Compromise goes both ways. (In other words, it can’t be your neat freak partner’s way or the highway.) Decide on a place where you can let your messy side shine. For example, maybe it’s a catchall by the door when you can dump all the miscellaneous papers and receipts and coins in your life. Or perhaps its a few bins in the walk-in closet that are yours to do with however you wish. Corralling the clutter may be the peace offering you didn’t know you needed.
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