3x3, Flying Dutchman & 30 More In-N-Out Secret Menu Items You Have to Try
Unlock secret goodies like the lettuce wrap and customized milkshakes!
If you're lucky enough to live near an In-N-Out Burger—a fast food burger joint best known as a West Coast delicacy—then you have to get the cheesy, meaty details on In-N-Out's Secret Menu.
The hamburger chain has been around since 1948 and fans have very quickly learned about its not-so-secret menu. In fact, In-N-Out Burger even has a tab all about it on their website. But what you may not know is that there's a Secret Menu you can hack that goes far beyond the six items on their well-known, not-so-secret menu.
And spoiler alert—they're all delicious.
Keep reading for 30+ In-N-Out Burger's Secret Menu items—from pimped-out cheeseburgers to something called a Whole Grilled Onion.
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What is Gorilla Style at In-N-Out?
Also frequently called "Monkey Style" at In-N-Out, Gorilla Style refers to any burger with animal fries shoved in the middle. However, if you're planning on ordering this during your next In-N-Out Burger visit, be sure to tell the In-N-Out employee exactly what it is.
Relying on the nickame "Gorilla" or "Monkey Style" may not get you what you actually want. In fact, many employees might not even know what it is! So, be sure to carefully explain it or, you know, order the items separately and DIY it at the table.
What is the Scooby Snack at In and Out?
More of a snack than it is a meal, the Scooby Snack at In-N-Out will get you a single grilled beef patty. Yum!
Why is it named a Scooby Snack? Well, as most cartoon lovers know, Scooby-Doo was known for snackin' on his doggie treats and they weren't a meal either—just treats or "snacks." Hence the nickname: Scooby Snack!
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What is a Flying Dutchman at In-N-Out?
Because it's such a popular, sought-out item from the secret menu, it's one of the most frequently-asked questions about In-N-Out.
So, here's the summary: The Flying Dutchman on its own is two slices of cheese melted in between two beef patties—no bun and no lettuce.
You can also customize it even further by asking for the Flying Dutchman Animal Style (in a lettuce wrap instead of a bun).
What Is the Secret Menu at In-N-Out?
1. 3x3
Also known as the Triple Triple, the 3x3 from In-N-Out Burger's Secret Menu consists of three beef patties and three slices of American cheese to match it!
2. 4x4
The 4x4 also goes by the colloquial term "the Quad Burger." Just like the 3x3 before it, this burger has four patties and four American cheese slices.
3. 16x16
There's a rumor in the In-N-Out community (namely, an In-N-Out-themed Reddit thread) that any order bigger than a 4x4 isn't permitted anymore. Still, we say go for it and try your luck if a 16x16 is something you're interested in.
As you can guess based on the numbered burger options that came before it, the 16x16—if it still exists—features 16 patties and the same amount of cheese slices. Obviously, this massive burger on steroids isn't for the faint of heart.
4. Animal-Style Burger
The Animal-Style Burger is actually pretty well-known, so it comes from In-N-Out's Not-So-Secret Menu. Still, you won't find it listed on the physical menu itself. With this order, you'll get the burger of your choice with hand-leafed lettuce, tomato and an extra mustard-cooked beef patty. You can customize it with pickles, extra spreads and/or grilled onions.
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5. Animal-Style Fries
The Animal-Style Burger may have made it onto the Not-So-Secret Menu thanks to its undeniable popularity, but have you met her sister, Animal-Style Fries? Loads of In-N-Out Burger fans know of this "secret" delicacy too, but it shouldn't stop you from ordering it: it's fries topped with cheese, their signature spread and grilled onions.
6. Around the World Shake
An Around the World Shake basically takes every single ice cream flavor that the In-N-Out has on hand and mixes them all together for an explosion of dessert-y flavor.
Related: 10 Delicious Milkshakes to Keep You Cool
7. Black and White Shake
For those who routinely have a hard time choosing between chocolate and vanilla milkshakes, there's the Black and White Shake—AKA no need to choose. A swirl of both flavors, the Black and White Shake is just as good as the traditional black-and-white cookie, but in milkshake form.
8. Cheese Fries
A classic diner order, Cheese Fries are just one adventurous way to customize your fries.
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9. Cheesy Wiki
A riff on the Grilled Cheese—another Secret Menu item that we explore below—the Cheesy Wiki is basically a Grilled Cheese but with four total slices of cheese. Cheese-lovers only!!!
Related: The Simplest Way to Make Grilled Cheese For a Crowd
10. Chopped Chilis
Add this to any burger order for an extra kick of spice. It's just the addition of hot chopped chili peppers to the bottom bun.
11. Cold Cheese
No matter which cheeseburger you order, there's always the option to customize your order with "cold cheese." This just means that instead of the standard melted American cheese, it'll be subbed in for a slice of cold, non-melted cheese.
12. Doggy Style
At In-N-Out, "Doggy Style" is a term for a grilled cheese done "protein style," which is explained below as a lettuce wrap in lieu of buns. But on top of that, Doggy Style ensures that your grilled cheese is stuffed with fries!
13. Double Meat
Make it a double! That's exactly what the "Double Meat" order will get ya at In-N-Out. It's two beef patties and all the other good stuff you normally get—tomatoes, lettuce and cheese.
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14. Extra Toast
Want that bun extra toasty? If you like your bun with a little extra crispiness, order it "extra toast." In-N-Out employees will leave it on the grill a little longer than usual and best of all, that extra toastiness is at no extra charge to you.
15. Flying Dutchman
No, the Flying Dutchman isn't just a SpongeBob reference (or an homage to the mythical ghost ship). At In-N-Out, it's two slices of cheese melted in between two burger patties. Not interesting enough? Well, we didn't mention that it also comes sans bun and lettuce. Just two patties and two cheeses—dassit!
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16. Flying Dutchman Animal Style
Want to hack the Flying Dutchman even further? Asking for your Flying Dutchman Animal Style just means that they'll add a scoop of onions to the melted cheese. The rest of the goods—like the pickles and spread—will come on the side but we strongly recommend adding them right onto the burger itself, DIY style.
17. Fries Light
One of our favorite features of the Secret Menu at In-N-Out is all the different ways you can customize your fries. In this case, Fries Light is just lightly-fried fries—less crispiness but to each their own!
18. Fries Well-Done
Another fun fry option, Fries Well-Done gets you the crispiest fries imaginable.
19. Grilled Cheese
Thanks to alphabetical order, you already know that the Cheesy Wiki is an upgraded version of this Secret Menu item: the classic Grilled Cheese. But before that, did you know that an In-N-Out Grilled Cheese was an option? Most don't!
To order it, ask for a bun, lettuce, tomato, spread, onions and two slices of American cheese. Or, you can always customize it to your unique preference.
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20. Grilled Onions or Whole Grilled Onion
Plenty of In-N-Out Burger options come with raw onions, but if you'd like a little more flavor, you may want to ask for Grilled Onions or a Whole Grilled Onion. Both orders will get you caramelized onions with a whole lot of flavor.
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21. Lemon Up
Kind of like a half-and-half but for soda, the Lemon Up combines pink lemonade and 7-Up for one ultra-sweet bevvy.
22. Medium Rare
At Most In-N-Out Burgers, you can customize the cook of your burger to Medium Rare if you ask. Unfortunately, you can't do this in Nevada as the state has a mandate against it.
23. Mustard Grilled
Mentioned earlier in this list as part of the Animal-Style Burger, Mustard Grilled is a delicious hack that really levels up any burger. With this order, In-N-Out cooks spread mustard along your beef patty, then flip it onto the mustard side while it continues to grill. There's nothing else quite like it!
24. Neapolitan Shake
The Neapolitan Shake is a mixture of three classic ice cream/shake flavors: chocolate, vanilla and strawberry. If they won't make it for you at In-N-Out, you could always order all three and combine in a cup on your own. (That's how you do it at McDonald's!)
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Related: 30+ McDonald's Secret Menu Items
25. Protein Style
Despite its protein-forward name, Protein Style isn't what it sounds like. This order simply means that you'll get your order in a lettuce wrap rather than a bun.
26. Pup Patty
This is exactly what you think it is. The Pupaccino of In-N-Out, a Pup Patty is an unsalted beef patty that's totally safe for your dog to eat as it's unseasoned. Fido might just become an In-N-Out fan too!
27. Roadkill Fries
Another fun way to step up your fry game at In-N-Out is to order Roadkill Fries: it's a Flying Dutchman laid on top of Animal-Style Fries.
28. Root Beer Float
Why settle for standard, boring old soda when you can ramp things up by turning it into a float?! All you need to do to achieve this deliciousness is order a half cup of root beer with a swirl of vanilla milkshake on top. Now that's a hack!
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29. Tomato Wrap
Similar to Protein Style—a lettuce wrap—the Tomato Wrap is any burger you want but with two tomato slices in place of the standard buns.
30. 2-Minute Fries
As its name suggests, 2-Minute Fries are fries that have been only cooked for two minutes. If you're looking for crispy fries, this ain't it. But if you like warm fries that are just the perfect amount of raw potato in the middle, 2-Minute Fries are about to be your new Secret Menu order.
31. Wish Burger
Vegetarians, you're in luck. It can be tough to indulge in fast food when you're plant-based, but luckily for you, In-N-Out Burger has a "veggie burger" option on their Secret Menu. It's also known as the Wish Burger but unlike some other places that have veggie burger patties on hand—Beyond Burger or Impossible Meat—the Wish Burger is just a regular burger or cheeseburger without the beef. It consists of tomatoes, lettuce, pickles and onions.
32. Stickers
While you can buy In-N-Out-themed stickers just about anywhere—like on their official storefront or Etsy—you may just be lucky enough to score 'em for free if you ask. Some In-N-Outs still have older stickers that they're willing to give away. Ask and you shall (likely) receive!
Next up, all the tastiest drinks on the Starbucks secret menu.