35 Photos From The American Healthcare System That Prove We're Living In A Dystopia
We all know the American healthcare system is seriously messed up. The cost of both routine and lifesaving care is exorbitant, to the point where people aren't seeking healthcare when they need it.
But in case you're not American and you're curious just how bad it is, check out these photos below.
1.This person was charged over $800 just to be told their son was dead when he arrived at the hospital.
2.This person was charged for crying over their health condition.
3.This person was charged $40 to hold their own child after giving birth.
4.This person was billed for having their deceased husband's organs donated.
5. This person was denied a heart transplant because they wouldn't be able to afford the $10,000 medication after.
6. This veteran’s prosthetic legs were literally repossessed.
7. This person was charged over $1 million to have twins.
8. This bill might have been high, but the hospital was nice enough to set up a "reasonable" payment plan of over $16,000 a month.
9. This person lost 20 years of savings — even with insurance — because their wife had cancer.
10. This hospital reminded staff to charge for pillows.
11.This completely standard birth — that didn't even involve an epidural or anesthesia — cost over $50,000.
12. This person's birth cost $610,000.
13.This person was double-charged for ultrasounds because they were having twins.
14. This person was denied lifesaving medical care by their insurance because they were "over" the limit.
15. In case you didn't know, the inventors of insulin sold the patent for $1 because they wanted everyone who needed it to be able to afford it. But let's just forget that, 'cause it's more profitable to mark up the prices, since people will keep buying it because they literally NEED IT TO SURVIVE.
16. The inventors of insulin would be horrified at stories like this.
17. This person was charged over $10,000 — AFTER insurance — for a three-hour ER visit that involved 10 minutes with a doctor.
18. This person was charged $16,000 for an overnight visit. Their payment plan was 60 MONTHS long — aka five years.
19. This person was charged almost $48,000 for a broken leg.
20.This person was charged almost $3,000 for what sounds like a 48-hour hold in a mental hospital.
21. And this person was charged almost as much, and it doesn't even sound as if they stayed for two days.
22. Under this person's insurance plan, they still had to pay over $50,000 for a two-week stay in a psychiatric hospital.
23. But let's say you needed other medical care and not just psychological — that's almost $100,000.
24.Good to know it costs over $150,000 to be bitten by a snake.
25. And it only costs a little less than that to have a heart attack.
26. And it costs almost $14,000 just to receive shots after being bitten by a raccoon.
27. This person was charged $1,700 for a few blood tests to see if they had a concussion (they did not) — AFTER insurance.
28. This hospital was offering discounts for the holidays as if it was some kind of department store.
29. This person was charged $426 for a spray that costs $8.
30. And this hospital was charging $10 per cough drop.
31. This nurse had a patient essentially escape death and then worry about how they were going to pay for it.
32. This person was charged $865 for waiting to be seen by a doctor all night...and still not seeing one.
33. This person was charged over $13,000 for a one-hour ER visit.
My ER visit bill for a sinus infection headache while in Phoenix. $4,658 just for going to the ER. $6955 for the CT scan, $1159 for an saline pack and IV and $700 for one antibiotic pill. $13,475 for a one hour visit. Healthcare isn’t an insurance issue folks. It’s a hospital pricing issue. from LateStageCapitalism
I disagree with the "healthcare isn't an insurance issue" because that's definitely part of it too, but it's also definitely a hospital pricing issue!
34. This insurance company refused to cover anything but the more expensive capsule version of a medication...that is literally just the cheaper pill version shoved into a capsule.
35. And finally, this person was charged over $1,300 just for transportation in an ambulance.
Ambulance ride cost US vs Finland, but somehow people still claim that socialized healthcare is bad and more expensive. I can't imagine living in a world where people risk theirs or someone elses lives because of being afraid of the cost. The latter is without any insurance whatsoever. from LateStageCapitalism
The post also compared that with ambulance cost in Finland, which has universal healthcare. (For reference, 25 euros is about $26.80.)
We'll end on some resources — it can be possible to get your hospital bills reduced. Ask for an itemized bill with everything they're charging you, and ask if you can apply for financial assistance through the hospital.
If you make above the income level to be eligible for these programs, you may still be able to negotiate down your bill — check out this video for some tips.
H/T: r/LateStageCapitalism.*
*The ones from other subreddits or Twitter were reposted on r/LateStageCapitalism, but I used the original post from that subreddit or Twitter.
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