32nd annual Antique Tractor and Engine Show returning to Stoneboro
Jul. 15—STONEBORO — For the 32nd year, the Mercer County Antique Power Association will host their Antique Tractor and Engine Show.
During the day, patrons are able to walk around and see hundreds of tractors and other vehicles brought in from around Pennsylvania, Ohio and elsewhere. The event has had over 100 Molines and Olivers registered.
Patrons are also able to see live antique demonstrations from sawmills, threshings, engines and more.
The show runs from July 25 to 28, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. from Thursday through Saturday, and 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday at the Stoneboro Fairgrounds.
The pull will run in the afternoon every day, with Thursday and Friday being for members only in their tractor's specific weight class, while Saturday will be open to anyone to compete and will be pulling from heaviest to lightest. Sunday will be meant for kids with events like the pedal tractor pull and the children's stone boat pull.
Pulls will range from 2,750 to 12,500 pounds.
Sunday will also see two lucky students receive $500 scholarships. To qualify for the scholarships, the students had to write an essay based on the prompt, "What role did a general store play in rural America?"
Unfortunately the Bluegrass concert that has been featured in other years was canceled for this year's event.
Daily admission is $5, children under the age of 12 are free, and Sunday is free for everyone.
The event takes place at the Stoneboro Fairgrounds, 2381 Mercer Road, Stoneboro.
A full schedule of events, along with other information and updates, can be found at www.mercercountyantiquepower.org.