32 Things Literally Everyone Used To Have In Their Home 30 Years Ago That Basically No One Has Anymore
1 min read
1.A big giant TV that weighs 300 pounds:
2.That you'd have to set to channel 3 to watch movies:
3.A list of phone numbers on a sheet of paper tucked away in some drawer:
4.A big binder filled to the brim with CDs, or just CDs in general:
5.This exact crockpot:
6.One of these right next to your phone:
7.This EXACT alarm clock:
8.A kitchen table that looks exactly like this:
9.This EXACT blanket:
10.This peeler:
11.This exact masher:
Image Source / Getty Images
12.And this type of grill:
13.One of these in the bathroom:
14.One set of these around the holidays:
15.Two sets of keys for one single car:
16.A flip phone with buttons and everything:
17.A pile of these left out on the floor:
18.These exact computer speakers:
19.And, on top of that, a bunch of lyric books:
20.A sifter made out of metal:
antique flour sifter -Photographed on Hasselblad H1-22mb Camera
21.One of these in the bathroom:
22.One of these:
23.A bunch of these:
24.A bottle of this very, very painful stuff:
25.These coffee making tools:
26.Countless VHS holders:
27.One of these in your freezer:
28.And one of these in your kitchen:
29.This exact canopener:
30.One of these to fix wear and tear:
31.This fool-proof opener:
32.And a whole bunch of silly putty:
What happened to all that putty?