30+ Surprising Items We Found on McDonald's Secret Menu
Everything you're probably not ordering from Mickey D's—but should be.
Thanks to TikTok, anyone who's anyone knows about the Starbucks Secret Menu that allows you to customize drinks into cool bevys like the Starburst Drink or the Frozen Elsa. But you might be shocked to learn that it's not the only drive-thru spot with a secret menu. In fact, everybody's favorite fast food joint (no, it really is—it's ranked #1) has a secret menu too, and that's McDonald's. And it's more than just a side of fries! For the 45 million U.S. customers that visit McDonald's per day—you read that McRight!—a Secret Menu might just make them say "ba-da-ba-ba-ba, I'm lovin' it" even more. So, Big-Mac-lovers, what's on the McDonald's Secret Menu?
Don't put down your Diet Coke, Mickey D's fans, but keep reading to unlock the best-kept secrets of the Golden Arches—30+ McDonald's Secret Menu items.
Related: McDonald's Breakfast Hours
What is on McDonald's secret menu?
Frequenters of McDonald's know the standard fare: the iconic Big Mac, Chicken McNuggets, World Famous Fries, the Egg McMuffin, etc., but the McDonald's Secret Menu reveals uncharted waters for most McDonald's fans. So, how does it work?
Just like ordering from the Starbucks Secret Menu, there's no secret password or buzzword to use while ordering Secret Menu items at McDonald's. You'll have to know how to customize the item yourself and relay that information to the McDonald's employee accordingly.
However, it's worth noting that an employee's ability (or willingness) to create a Secret Menu item may depend on a few factors, including how swamped they are at any given time. We also tend to think—though we can't exactly confirm—that you're more likely to successfully order a Secret Menu item in-store rather than in the drive-thru because employees are in less of a rush. (But again, that's just a guess.)
What is a Poor Man's Big Mac?
OK, so it's a name that's not exactly self-aware, but it's not McDonald's that makes up these names; it's the customers that order them. (There's even a reddit thread with Secret Menu tips from a McDonald's manager.)
This burger costs only $1.49 and consists of two burgers, one slice of cheese, Big Mac Sauce, extra lettuce and no ketchup.
Conversely, if you were to order a regular ol' Big Mac, you'd get the same for $3.99, plus a third bun. But who needs the third bun when you cut the cost by approximately 63 percent?!
The Poor Man’s Big Mac is a McDouble (a bargain at around $1.49 made up of two burgers and one slice of cheese) with special sauce (that’s the Big Mac Sauce), extra lettuce and no ketchup. You won’t miss the Big Mac’s third bun and hefty price of around $3.99.
Related: 27 Best McDonald's Copycat Recipes
What is a Mc1035?
According to the McDonald's Wiki fandom—which, yes, is something that exists—the MC10:35 is also sometimes known as the McBrunch. And when you find out what's inside, you'll understand why.
Basically, the Mc10:35 got even more popular once McDonald's instituted all-day breakfasts (though it was a fan-favorite Secret Menu option prior, too).
The Mc10:35 is a McDouble with an Egg McMuffin layered on top. Customers also add ketchup, mustard, or—if you're in Orlando, Florida, the last of the franchise to still offer the now-discontinued item—the McPizza.
Other variations of the Mc10:35 include Egg McMuffin Buns or McGriddles instead of hamburger buns.
Best McDonald's Secret Menu items and how to order them
1. Land, Air & Sea
Courtesy of McDonald's
One of the most commonly known McDonald's Secret Menu items is the Land, Air & Sea. In fact, if you ordered it by this name, there's a good chance any Mickey D's employee would know what you were talking about.
Still, in case you need to order it ingredient-by-ingredient, a Land, Air & Sea consists of a Big Mac, McChicken and Filet-O-Fish all McRolled into one. Happy eating!
2. Grilled Cheese
Vegetarians, rejoice! There is a meatless option at McDonald's after all and that's the Grilled Cheese. In all its glory, it's simply a cheeseburger without the burger. Best of all, it's only $0.99. Just be sure to have them hold all other condiments too.
Related: The Simplest Way to Make Grilled Cheese For a Crowd
3. Bababooey Burger
For under $5 in most McDonald's, you can order the Bababooey Burger, but you'll probably have the most luck if you explain to the employee that it's a McChicken nestled inside of a McDouble. The chicken should go inside the burger patties, but if they're not willing to do it for you, just order both and slam them together yourself, DIY-style.
4. Big Mac'n'Cheese
The sister of both the Big Mac and the aforementioned Grilled Cheese, the Big Mac'n'Cheese is another vegetarian option. In fact, it's sometimes referred to as the Veggie Mac (although, it's not vegan and neither is the Grilled Cheese).
Order a Big Mac sans the burger. It's that simple.
5. Orange Creamsicle Drink
This hack is a game changer and best of all, only two ingredients: vanilla soft serve and orange Fanta. Unfortunately, this one has to be done on your own or at the counter—not on the app.
Out of Fanta? Don't sweat. You can substitute it with orange Hi-C.
6. Hashbrown McMuffin
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It's breakfast on steroids! The Hashbrown McMuffin is what happens when a McMuffin and a hashbrown get together.
7. Big Mac Sauce
There's actually no extra cost (at most McDonald's locations, that is) for Big Mac Sauce. Sure, it comes included with the signature Big Mac order, but you can just walk up to the counter and ask for it as a side.
Dip your fries in it or slather it on your burger.
8. The Monster Mac
Ah, the Monster Mac. The name bares a striking resemblance to the Halloween anthem "Monster Mash" and it's a monster of a burger if we say so ourselves. To get this meat-lover's Mac, order a Big Mac, plus eight patties on the side. It should cost you about $9, give or take a few cents. After all, it's only $.70 per patty.
9. Surf and Turf
Courtesy of McDonald's
A step down from the Land, Air & Sea Burger, the Surf and Turf is just a cheeseburger and a Filet-O-Fish combined.
Related: Best Copycat McDonald's Filet-O-Fish Recipe
10. Big McChicken
If you go to McDonald's for the McChicken, this one's for you. To bring it to fruition, order one Big Mac and three McChickens, then remove the buns (or ask for no bun on your Big Mac). Put the McChickens where the buns wouldn't have been and you've got yourself the ultimate chicken sandwich. It shouldn't cost too much—$11 or even less.
Related: McDonald's McRib Is Back—Here's How to Get Your Hands on it
11. Ice Cream Sandwich
You'll probably have to put this one together yourself, but for those with a sweet tooth, it's absolutely worth it. Order a McFlurry and two chocolate chip cookies. We're sure you can figure out the rest!
12. Chicken Cordon Bleu McMuffin
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For less than $5, you can hack McDonald's all-day breakfast menu by making yourself a delicious Chicken Cordon Bleu McMuffin. You'll need to order an Egg McMuffin and then either a McChicken or a Spicy McChicken inside the McMuffin. It tastes surprisingly similar to the real thing!
13. Chicken and Waffles
If mixing-and-matching McChicken patties is your favorite way to use the Secret Menu at McDonald's, then you're going to love this one, too. Fans of chicken-and-waffles for breakfast can order a Chicken McGriddle and then ask for maple syrup and buffalo sauce on the side. Adding the sauces to the Chicken McGriddle really adds the quintessential chicken-and-waffles flavor.
14. Milk Tea
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Yes, you can hack your drinks at McDonald's too (and for much cheaper than some other places). To make your own McDonald's Milk Tea, order a $1 Sweet Tea, then mix in as many free coffee creamers as your heart desires.
15. Cinnamon Melt a La Mode
DIY-ing dessert is such a fun way to make use of the McDonald's Secret Menu and this one—the Cinnamon Melt a La Mode—is honestly one of the coolest to make. Order a McCafe Cinnamon Roll and a Vanilla Cone, and transfer the soft serve onto the bun. It is heavenly.
16. McCrepe
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Whether you consider a crepe breakfast or dessert (either are acceptable in our eyes), the McCrepe is a delicacy that can be eaten at any time of day. After ordering a Yogurt Parfait and Hotcakes, stuff the parfait inside the Hotcakes and fold them over. It's delicious and less than $4.
Related: 20 Facts You Might Not Know About McDonald’s + 10 Strange Menu Items From Around the World
17. Coffee Milkshake
When it comes to coffee, not everyone wants to take out a small loan to afford a latte. Skip the big bill and DIY a Coffee Milkshake—which is kinda like the McDonald's version of an S-bucks Frappuccino. Order Espresso and a Vanilla Shake, then pour in the espresso and mix it up well.
18. Chicken Big Mac
This one's fun because it's actually a contender—a chicken (con)tender?—for the regular McDonald's menu. It's slowly being rolled out and tested at different spots across the U.S., so if it's not available near you, it's still a Secret Menu item. But possibly not for long!
To get it off the Secret Menu, order two McChickens, a side of Big Mac Sauce, and cheese (which is just $.89). Combine both McChickens, removing the top bun of one, then go to town with the sauce.
Related: Copycat McDonald's Chicken Snack Wraps
19. Neopolitan
Yes, like the ice cream—only this one is in milkshake form! The Neopolitan over at McDonald's requires orders of Vanilla, Chocolate and Strawberry Shakes. Grab an extra cup and pour half of each into the cup and swirl it all together.
20. McLobster
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The Lobster Roll over at McDonald's is not available at all locations. Still, if you're lucky enough to live near one that does (the New England area), you're gonna wanna try this trick: order a Lobster Roll and a bun. Done!
21. Snickers Coffee
Looking for another way to up your McDonald's coffee game? We've got you covered: Iced Hazlenut Coffee, two pumps of Caramel Drizzle, one pump of Chocolate Syrup and one pump of Chocolate Caramel Syrup. Add whipped cream at your own discretion and this drink usually comes out to about $4.39.
22. McLeprechaun Shake
The Shamrock Shake is absolutely iconic but as its legions of fans know, it's only available at McDonald's around St. Patrick's Day. You only get about a month to enjoy the delicious benefits of the Shamrock Shake and we recommend making the best of it by ordering the McLeprechaun: a Chocolate Shake and a Shamrock Shake. A chocolate-y twist on the original, add half of both Shakes into an empty cup. It's better tasting than whatever it is that's at the end of any rainbow.
Related: Copycat McDonald's Shamrock Shake Recipe
23. Shamrock Iced Coffee
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Speaking of the Shamrock Shake, lovers of both that and McDonald's Iced Coffee will definitely love this fun combo. It's simply an Iced Coffee with two pumps of Mint Mocha Syrup. Too minty for ya? Bring it down to one pump.
24. Caramel Apple Sundae
Whether you order this seasonally or eat it year 'round, the Caramel Apple Sundae is—in our humble opinion—the bee's knees. To try out this Secret Menu item for yourself, order apple slices and a Hot Caramel Sundae. Combine and voilà!
Related: Would You Try McDonald's Chocolate-Covered Fries?
25. Apple Pie McFlurry
Speaking of apples, the Apple Pie McFlurry from the McDonald's Secret Menu is a best-kept secret. It's an apple pie mixed up into a vanilla McFlurry. And if the McDonald's employee gives you a dirty look, you can order them and mix them together yourself.
Related: 15 Best Apple Pie Recipes
26. McKinley Mac
Your success in ordering a McKinley Mac depends on regional availability, but it's always worth a shot. Take a walk on the wild side by ordering a Big Mac with Quarter Pound Patties. That's the McKinley!
27. Portuguese Sausage McMuffin
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Sadly, this gem of a Secret Menu item is only available at McDonald's in Hawaii, but if you ever find yourself leaving the Mainland, it's a must-order. The Portuguese Sausage McMuffin consists of an Egg McMuffin or a Sausage McMuffin with Egg, then substitute bacon or sausage for the Portuguese Sausage. Since it's so popular there, chances are high that any McDonald's employee in Hawaii will be familiar with this order.
28. Saimin
Also native to Hawaii (as in, not available anywhere else in the U.S.), Saimin is technically available at most McDonald's on the islands even though you won't see it on the menu. It's one of those "if you know, you know" types of things.
So, what is it? Saimin is reminiscent of traditional Japanese ramen: a soup with egg noodles and kamaboko (that's fish cake), char siu (that's BBQ pork) and nori (seaweed).
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29. Strawberry Eggnog Shake
Courtesy of McDonald's
Just like the Shamrock Shake (and subsequently, the McLeprechaun), Eggnog Shakes at McDonald's are a seasonal item. So, as such, you can only get away with ordering a Strawberry Eggnog Shake during the month of December. Still, this mixture really takes the original Eggnog Shake up a notch.
Just order an Eggnog and a Strawberry Shake and combine both in an empty cup in a 1:1 ratio. Make sure it's topped off with whipped cream and a cherry!
30. Spam and Egg McMuffin
The McDonald's Secret Menu in Hawaii is full of good stuff! Allow us to introduce you to one last Hawaiian addition that's only available there: the Spam and Egg McMuffin. Order either an Egg McMuffin or a Sausage Egg McMuffin, asking the McDonald's employee to substitute the bacon or sausage for some good ol' Spam.
Next up, more secret menu items from classic fast food restaurants.