30 Pieces You Won’t Believe Are Under $30
Pretty Little Things
Pretty Little Things
It might not be our best habit, but sometimes our wardrobes (and ourselves) are simply in need of a little pick-me-up. Luckily, a dose of retail therapy doesn’t need to cost much. If you know where to look, a new top or fun pair of shoes can cost less than your last brunch with your girlfriends. These kinds of purchases are best made on a whim, whether it’s a playful little piece you’ve been eyeing and finally have an occasion for, or an item you impulsively fell in love with but don’t really need. And yes, we know we should warn you against haphazardly spending like this regularly—we’re all for investment pieces and smart spending. However, we also find the occasional, affordable indulgence to be relatively harmless and all around mood-boosting. Thus, we present the most unbelievable steals on the market right now, perfect for this weekend’s last-minute plans.