3 Ways to Harness the Magic of the Full Moon in Sagittarius
Shutterstock | Photo Illustration by Lauren Ash
On Thursday, May 23, 2024, the Full Flower Moon in Sagittarius lights up the cosmos and helps us raise the collective vibration. This full moon in Sagittarius arrives one month before the summer solstice, when we thrive in the peak of summer's heat and relish the comfort we've created. While this full moon is rich with manifestation energy, not much effort is needed to welcome new opportunities into your life. This is a moment to sit, reflect on your creations, release doubts, and look proudly toward the future. You're ready to expand how you receive opportunities, especially concerning money and success.
To align with your true calling during this full moon, you must embrace the practicality of your dreams. Letting go of some illusions will bring you closer to reality. Whether you're cementing manifestations you've been working on or creating space for new blessings, this full moon in Sagittarius is perfect for a lunar ritual. Below are three different full moon rituals you can perform this week to tap into the Flower Moon magic.
When Is the May Full Moon in Sagittarius?
The full moon in Sagittarius arrives on Thursday, May 23, 2024, at 9:53 a.m. EST.
3 Ways to Manifest During the Full Moon in Sagittarius
Release the Past with a Flower Moon Bathing Ritual
This month's full moon in Sagittarius carries tight, intense energy with generational planets, which might make you doubt your decision to stray from the easy path. You might find yourself emotionally triggered by past situations without fully understanding why. If you feel more emotionally reactive during this full moon, it's the perfect chance to release past emotions with a moon bathing ritual.
Grab your favorite crystals and create a comfortable space in your backyard under the full moon. Bring your phone to play music or lay down a blanket for comfort. You might take off your shoes to ground yourself to the earth. Once you're settled, close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Breathe in and out in a cycle of four breaths, repeating a mantra or letting your mind go clear. Envision the moon and let your thoughts pass like clouds, simply observing and allowing yourself to process them.
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Tap Into Your Intuition with Full Moon Journal Prompts
This full moon in Sagittarius is about spiritual curiosity and diving deep into why we feel and think certain things. You may find yourself ruminating on relationships or situations that made you feel unworthy or question your beliefs. This full moon is a portal for emotional healing and release. We recommend using a journal and exploring the prompts below to dive deeper into your personal motivations. You can use these prompts alongside the moon bathing ritual or as part of your daily journaling practice. Feel free to expand on these questions and explore new angles.
Full Moon in Sagittarius Journal Prompts:
Do my inner beliefs match with my outward actions?
Where can I challenge myself to deepen my understanding?
Do I practice what I preach?
Do I spend time with people who challenge me?
How have I let my naivety block my manifestations?
Where is my energy best aligned?
Create a Manifestation Vision Board With Friends
This month's full moon in Sagittarius is a great time to embrace community and celebrate your accomplishments through art and creation. The potent alchemy behind this lunar event can bring your manifestations to life by believing they have already happened. Creating a manifestation mood board is perfect for spending your full moon. You can do this solo or invite friends over for a potluck and art night. Light some candles, wear your favorite clothes, burn some incense, and pour your heart onto a piece of poster board.
Cut out magazine clippings, write your intentions and manifestation words in a free-flowing script, and don't worry about aesthetics. Pro tip: use a disposable camera to capture the evening and incorporate these photos into another mood board. Togetherness and collaboration will not only help you achieve your dreams but also help you embrace the loving energy of having supportive people by your side.
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