27 Couples Halloween Costumes That Range From Basic And Overused To Downright Cringeworthy
Hello everyone! Halloween is coming up, which means it's time to start deciding your costumes! If you've got a significant other, you *may* be tempted to do a couple's costume.
However, I'm just here to say...please, please don't do the ones below. Here are 27 awful and overdone couple's costumes ranked from "not my fave" to "BURN IT NOW."
27.Starting with "not my fave"...Fred and Daphne from Scooby-Doo:
This costume is only cute if it's done by Sarah Michelle Gellar and Freddie Prinze Jr. No one else.
26.Next we have Cruella de Vil and a dalmation:
I just know everyone's going to go as Cruella this year, but please spare us your boyfriend dressed as a dog, or worse, holding a ton of dog stuffed animals. No one wants to see it.
25.And then...Bonnie and Clyde:
This one is hot if it's executed well, but I have just seen it way too often. Try another iconic duo.
24.The yummy (but not in costume form) duo of cookies and cream/milk:
This couple costume is as yesterday as Nick and Mariah's relationship.
23.Frankenstein and the Bride of Frankenstein:
I swear people have been doing this for 200 years. It's time to move on.
22.Jack Skellington and Sally from The Nightmare Before Christmas:
There are plenty of other Tim Burton characters, people!!
21.Barbie and Ken:
20.Two more iconic characters you should avoid...Shrek and Fiona:
Unless you can execute this as well as the above, do not do it.
19.And also Fred and Wilma from The Flinstones:
Extra points off for dressing your kid as Bam Bam.
18.As well as Mr. and Mrs. Incredible:
Once again, extra points off for dressing your kids as Jack Jack, Dash, and Violet. The Incredibles came out in 2004.
17.And Woody and Jesse:
Once again, Toy Story 2 has been out for over 20 years.
16.Honestly, any Disney couple:
I don't know why, but ESPECIALLY Aladdin and Jasmine from Aladdin or Ariel and Eric from The Little Mermaid.
15.I'm just really not into the whole angel and devil thing:
I'll only accept this if you're doing Aziraphale and Crowley from Good Omens.
14.Or Mario and Luigi (or Peach, for that matter):
There are other Mario characters, you know.
13.Getting into more cringeworthy territory, we have bacon and eggs:
I feel like this is a weird metaphor for sperm and eggs, and I'm not here for it.
12.Justin Timberlake and Britney Spears in their iconic denim outfits:
After looking back at JT's actions from the vantage point of 2021...do we really need to repeat this outfit?
11.Hugh Hefner and a Playboy bunny:
10.Breaking the top 10, we've got "Netflix and chill":
This wasn't even funny a few years ago when people started doing it. Let's allow this to be a thing of the past, please.
9.The super-suggestive lock and key:
Can we just do away with the weird sexual innuendo insertion costumes? (See #1.)
8.Jack and Coke...:
I just feel that we, collectively, as a society, can do better than this.
7....or honestly any alcohol costume:
Maybe I've just been to too many frat parties, but if I see this one more time, I may quit Halloween altogether.
6.The most boring costume of all, salt and pepper:
I literally cannot think of anything more boring.
5.Rounding out the top five, we have any two-person costume, but especially a horse or camel:
Why would you want to be either of these parts?
4.This vomit-inducing hot dog and bun duo:
It's giving Sausage Party and not in a good way.
3.The most basic costume you could possibly think of, Harley Quinn and the Joker:
I'm allowing Harley this year, but only if you dress as her from The Suicide Squad.
2.Coming in second place...Adam and Eve:
We have strayed too far from God's light.
1.And finally, an outlet and a plug:
If you wear this to a party...it's on sight.