24 Karens Who Threw Such Dramatic Tantrums In Public, It’ll Give You Secondhand Embarrassment
Karens exist with the sole purpose of being the most annoying humans you could imagine. They're loud, they're entitled, and no retail employee gets paid enough to deal with them. Karen's public tantrums will give you secondhand embarrassment at best, and make you lose all faith in humanity at worst.
1.The face mask destroyer:
2.The boat patrol:
This mother and daughter duo don't want other people parking their boat next to theirs. Being the irrational people they are, they start screeching and complaining about it. The video starts with the daughter yelling, "I am not f****** Karen." Oh, the irony.
3.Three Karens and a baby:
4.Parking lot Karen:
Look, we all know that finding parking in certain places can be a hassle, but this video is simply embarrassing. Karen goes off on a driver that took the parking spot she wanted, calling it "criminal" behavior and demanding that the person leave. The young daughter is noticeably unsettled by her mother's behavior, but Karen can't be stopped.
5.The shopping cart bandit:
There's not enough context in the world to justify whatever's happening here. Karen tries to yank some poultry out of a woman's hands for unknown reasons. Since she couldn't get what she wanted, she tries to steal the woman's shopping cart instead. If you can't keep your cool at the grocery store, you should probably let someone else do the shopping.
6.There's always a racist Karen:
You can't talk about Karens without mentioning the worst offender: the racist Karen. This woman, who (in a shocking twist) appears to be the manager, tries to kick two shoppers out of her store with a handful of racially motivated attacks. She tells them to, "Go back to your country," among other things, eventually receiving a deserved slap to the face.
7.An average NYC subway experience:
The NYC subway system is home to the most ridiculous, uncomfortable situations you'll ever encounter. This includes a Karen tantrum every once in a while, and it usually ends with someone getting hurt. In this case, Karen threw a massive fit because someone stood near her on the subway. You can't make this up.
8.Another anti-mask warrior:
Pandemic Karen's greatest talent is throwing a fit over face masks. It's a new way to make retail and service industry employees' lives significantly harder. This Karen was simply asked to wear a mask in the establishment. She pulled the usual, "You're discriminating against me," line before insulting an employee's manhood.
9....And another:
See the pattern? These customers just wanted some sandwiches, but Karen would rather waste their time, bother the employees, and deal with the police...over a face mask. Naturally, she refuses to put one on, but also refuses to leave the store. The dramatic tantrum ended when she was escorted from the premises wearing handcuffs.
10.This Karen spent $35 on something she can't use:
A woman in a smoke shop makes a fool of herself over a seemingly unwanted purchase (THIRTY-FIVE DOLLARS!), yelling at an employee at the top of her lungs. As per Karen protocol, her mask is pulled down, and she's invading the cashier's personal space mid-pandemic.
11. Hot soup assault:
For some Karens, throwing a tantrum isn't enough. They take it to the next level and physically assault employees over trivial things. Luckily, the woman in this video got what she deserved.
12.They just won't stop:
Surprise! Another anti-mask Karen! She mocks the employees for doing their job, making everyone's day a little more difficult for no reason. "Educate yourselves! Go online and read and learn," she says of the pandemic. Spoken like someone who gets their medical facts from their timeline.
13.There can't possibly be a rational explanation for this Karen spraying things onto a worker:
There's not a soul in the world who gets paid enough to deal with this. The woman in this video physically assaults several employees at a restaurant for an unknown reason. She's eventually escorted out of the building...only to come back and cause more mayhem.
14.Grocery store Karen:
This Karen had the audacity to kick random people out of a grocery store aisle on a whim. She eventually yelled for security, but her tantrum got more ridiculous when the other shoppers refused to leave. Apparently, having an entire aisle to yourself is the law.
15.Table-flipping Karen:
This is yet another reminder that restaurant workers deserve better. A Chicago Karen got violent with employees, making threats and flipping tables. She was asked to leave the premises multiple times, but she caused utter chaos before making her grand exit.
16.Drive-thru tantrum Karen:
This particular video is really wild because it shows that Karen tantrums have no bounds. You need to be a special type of angry to throw a fit at a drive-thru window...on foot. Between throwing hot coffee at a bystander and standing in front of cars to block their path, it becomes painfully obvious that Karen should've never left the house that day.
17.The "you're bad at your job" Karen:
This Karen thinks she can dictate what someone else's job is, though it's unclear what exactly had her so heated. She yells, "I'm a military member being disrespected at the counter!" for the whole store to hear. Like a true Karen, she also screams for a supervisor.
18.Even the police has a hard time with this Karen:
This situation is a lot to unpack. Though the video starts mid-confrontation, it can be implied that she's being escorted out of a facility for not wearing a face mask. Instead of complying peacefully, she accuses the police of kidnapping her and stealing her purse, among other things.
19.The textbook Karen:
This person is the first thing you think of when you hear the name "Karen." We all know yelling for a manager is an inherent ability they all possess. She's a textbook case, but it's still wildly embarrassing. The reason behind all the drama was a declined credit card transaction.
20.Being asked to show ID is insulting now:
21.She needs a new phone to...escape the mafia?
22.Post office drama:
Once again, Karen thinks she can tell a stranger how to do their job. However, this post office fiasco stemmed from an issue the customer shouldn't blame on anyone but herself. She yelled at the employee for not knowing what address to send Karen's package to. This tantrum was so nonsensical and embarrassing that the next person in line couldn't bear to stay in the same room.
23.A gentle reminder that male Karens exist:
Karens come in all forms, and people tend to forget that men can be just as exhausting. The guy in this video started acting up because a Mexican menu (at a Mexican restaurant!) was in Spanish. It's a tale as old as time.
24.The "speak English" final boss:
Calling this Karen racist is an understatement. She spews hateful comments at Asian employees at a pharmacy, seemingly upset over hearing them speak their native tongue. Even more embarrassing is that she has a kid in tow watching her treat people this way in public.
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