There's A Special Place In Hell For These 23 No-Good Customers Who Wanted To Ensure Their Server Had An Awful Day
Between the dreaded tipping screens and tips for self-checkout, tipping culture has gotten a bit controversial over the years. But I'd like to think there's still some basic tipping etiquette we should all stick to. Well, here are 23 instances where people looked at the tip line and threw etiquette out the window.
1.This note from a customer who was upset that they couldn't camp out at their table.
The note reads: "Be patient...or get a desk job."
2.This suggestion.
3.This other suggestion (from an artist, by the looks of it).
The note reads: "$0.00 (SMILE)"
4.This existential question for Luis.
5.This note from a disgruntled parent whose kid was throwing sugar at guests.
6.This unusable tip left at a Scottish bar.
7.This equally unusable ($1) tip.
8.This whole Yelp review.
The note reads: "Thank you for not recognizing my 60th b-day, even though I told the server. Food was mediocre at best. Mooshy lamb. And everything was incredibly bland. I asked a lot of people in [REDACTED] to recommend a good restaurant. This was one. Service was below average. Food AND wine [were] overrated! Will be reviewing this as overrated everywhere."
9.This unfortunate eight-year-long joke.
u/thebrokenwindow / Via
10.This unfortunate four-year-long complaint.
The note reads: "No TIP given due to server wearing mask. This makes for a HORRIBLE dining experience. Please STOP having servers wearing masks. It's disgusting and disrespectful."
11.This hotel worker's tip that should be burned ASAP.
12.Along with this server's tip from a group of teachers.
13.This person's "two cents."
The note reads: "If your service was better, you would have gotten a better tip. [Your] service was not worth two cents."
14.This prayer.
The note reads: "I wish I could tip, but I pray the next person favors you more [than] I could."
15.This slightly more subtle prayer.
16.This not-so-subtle prayer.
u/9sixteenchris / Via
18.This novel.
The note reads: "Fix your attitude when working with customers and stop talkin' up for bad servers. [REDACTED] was rude and not helpful. FYI the customer is always right!! I asked 4 extra sauce and you gave me attitude and the noodles were dry as fuck!"
19.This laundry list.
The note reads:
"1. Smile
2. Be friendly
3. Remember to serve water when asked for it
4. When the drink doesn't taste good — apologize and offer to make a new one
5. Pretend like you give a shit
6. Smile. Say thank you.
7. Make your mother proud"
20.This response after coming in 15 minutes before close.
21.This threatening note.
22.This act of pettiness.
23.And to shed some positivity: This assortment of items that deserves some points for creativity.
H/T: r/Serverlife, r/mildlyinfuriating, and r/Wellthatsucks.