21 Creepy Photos Of Things I Doubt You've Ever Seen...And Probably Shouldn't, TBH
1.You know lampreys, right?
Well, here's a close-up of the inside of a lamprey's mouth. Yep, those are teeth.
2.Here's what it looks like to have a broken bone that was never treated.
3.Here's a Disney-themed gas mask that was to be used if the US came under threat during WWII.
You can check out a closer-up image here.
4.And here are gas masks for babies.
5.Here's what a pretty short glacier looks like on the surface...and how it looks underwater.
Here it is even more clearly in gif form:
u/ExchangeInevitable / Via reddit.com
6.This is what newborn alpacas look like.
It's giving this old cat meme:
how ur cat sees himself when he hasn't eaten in almost an hour
7.This is what volcanic lightning looks like.
u/Abhilash_Tayade / Via reddit.com
8.And this is what a "snow-nado" looks like.
u/regian24 / Via reddit.com
9. Here's what a flea looks like close up.
Photo credit: Tran The Ngoc/Shutterstock
10.Here's what the inside of a kangaroo's pouch looks like — with a baby inside!
11.Here's a photo of a diving suit from the 1700s.
12. And one from the 1900s.
Photo credit: ullstein bild via Getty Images
13. Here's what a "swimming mask" from the '20s looks like.
Image credit: Imagno/Getty Images
14.This is what a horse foot looks like without the hoof.
15.Here's what a leatherback sea turtle looks like...
...and here's the inside of a leatherback sea turtle's mouth.
This is what the inside of the mouth of a leatherback sea turtle looks like. from Damnthatsinteresting
16.Another image of it:
Me looking at those pics:
17.Here's what a tree struck by lightning looks like.
18.This is what a hedgehog skeleton looks like.
19. Here's what the Beauty Micrometer, a 1930s beauty device, looked like.
In the 1930s, make-up legend Max Factor came up with an ingenious invention called the Beauty Micrometer, a device that claimed to measure facial flaws.[1000x798] from HistoryPorn
Photo credit: General Photographic Agency/Getty Images
20.This is what the original Michelin Man looked like.
21.And finally, here's what it looks like when a tarantula sheds its skin.
@tarantula.rookie / TikTok / Via reddit.com