19 Signs That Are So Funny, You'll Forget All Your Worries And Woes For A Fleeting Moment
Another week, another roundup of the best and most hilarious signs from r/funnysigns. Please enjoy and hopefully laugh:
1."That's not quite how it works, bro..."
2."I guess you can call anything anything."
3."A sign for the idiots out there."
4."Guard cat is on the job."
5."Halloween special."
6."Nice one. :)"
7."What was your address, again?"
8."Worth the money!" ;)
9."That about covers it."
10."Saw this the other day."
11."Keep your distance just in case!"
12."Remember boys..."
13."Works for me. ??"
14."Okay, who put that thrash can there?"
15."The escalator is refusing to escalate."
16."No swimming."
17."Yes, I made it."
18."Sorry managers(!)"
19."Used for what?"
Don't miss the funniest signs last week:
18 Signs From This Past Week That — I'm Not Exaggerating — Are Really, Really, Really, Effing Funny