These 19 Seemingly Normal Text Convos With Men Took A Major Detour Into Total Creep Territory, And I Still Have The Whiplash To Prove ItBuzzFeedWed, July 5, 2023 at 2:16 AM UTC2 min read1.This guy who definitely could have left out that last line: u/starryshitx / Via reddit.com2.This guy who took the "I'll confuse her, that'll show her" route: u/Unfair_Assumption_23 / Via reddit.com3.This 30-year-old man whose only comeback to a 23-year-old woman rejecting him was "you watch too much TV": u/veeelizabeth / Via reddit.com4.This guy who only had one thing on his mind: u/Goats_772 / Via reddit.com5.This guy who was down bad...for feet pics: u/Aggressive_Ostrich22 / Via reddit.com6.This guy who really tried to put his own "needs" before those of a grieving mother: u/[deleted] / Via reddit.com7.This guy who's only nice to single women apparently: u/m0iken / Via reddit.com8.This guy who didn't know that girls were capable of being decent human beings: u/Wiredrawnset89 / Via reddit.com9.This guy who went from "you're gorgeous" to "you're a stupid bitch" real fast: u/Necessary-Work6677 / Via reddit.com10.This guy who probably should have reined it in a bit: u/Anuyushi / Via reddit.com11.This guy who definitely overestimated how much people care about cars: u/JellyKid18 / Via reddit.com12.This guy who couldn't even bother to start a new line of text before switching the topic from loved ones dying to...whatever this was: u/TechnicalAd7368 / Via reddit.com13.This guy who did the ol' yell-at-a-woman-when-rejected-then-immediately-regret-it: u/skiskooska / Via reddit.com14.This guy who did so many 180ยฐs, he's just spinning in a circle at this point: u/theawkwardalli / Via reddit.com15.This guy who really thought the woman he sent unsolicited dick pics to seven years ago wouldn't see the deleted messages: u/unhelpfulCritic / Via reddit.com16.This guy who took no response to mean keep responding, even it means insulting her: u/McWovin / Via reddit.com17.This guy who flipped out at a simple "Lol no": u/g00g00d4wl / Via reddit.com18.This self-proclaimed "nice guy" who's probably anything but nice: u/CJLOVE23 / Via reddit.com19.And finally, this guy who went from ~totally normal~ to ~controlling boyfriend~ real fast (even though they JUST matched): u/lemontarts526 / Via reddit.comH/T: r/niceguys, r/creepyPMs, r/sadcringe, and r/NotHowGirlsWorkAbout Our Ads