Read full articleBuzzFeed18 Screenshots From This Month Of Guys Being Shockingly Wrong About Women's BodiesBuzzFeedMarch 18, 2023 at 12:16 PM·2 min readLink Copied1.This guy who said women are “useless” after they have sex once: u/Keylesser / Via reddit.com2.This male nurse who told a patient who had her period that she was actually shitting herself: u/little-princess129 / Via reddit.com3.This father who, after his daughter's tampon allegedly fell out in a pool, said people who menstruate can just...hold their blood in: u/Comfortable_Pen3589 / Via reddit.com4.This armchair geneticist who said that the DNA in semen goes to a woman's brain: Lifetime / u/The_Dickasso / Via reddit.com5.This guy who thought of a really, really bad idea but definitely thought it was a really, really good idea: u/barkingmadwheels / Via reddit.com6.This guy who makes me genuinely concerned for our future: u/witchy_princess011 / Via reddit.com7.This guy who really thought men bear the brunt of a pregnancy: u/Silent-Grass-1703 / Via reddit.com8.This guy who clearly doesn't understand the process of growing a human being inside your body: u/dimwittedfox / Via reddit.com9.This guy who thought there was only one reason to see a gyno: u/HEAVYMETALNERDYGURL / Via reddit.com10.This guy whose use of the word "apparently" really pissed me off — like, WHO told him this information? u/PrairieOrchid / Via reddit.com11.This boyfriend who thought tampon = penis: u/rinkydinkmink / Via reddit.com12.This uncle who said a woman's genes change as soon as she says "I do": u/anneymarie / Via reddit.com13.This guy who seriously needs to just open a book or something: u/Yourlovelypsychopath / Via reddit.com14.This guy who posted a picture of a woman riding a horse and then called it "disgusting": u/Dixon_Kuntz73 / Via reddit.com15.This guy who — and I will NEVER get over this — referred to some vaginas as "little slit[s], as if it was smacked with a razor blade": u/kasakavii / Via reddit.com16.This misinformed guy who saw a news story about helping kids and decided to chime in with a very concerning opinion: u/Delicious_Secret7388 / Via reddit.com17.I'm honestly not even sure where to start with this, but to all of it: u/any_memes_necessary / Via reddit.com18.And finally, this confused movie watcher know what? At least he's trying to learn: u/wait_whats_illegal / Via reddit.comH/T: r/badwomensanatomy and r/NotHowGirlsWork. View comments