18 Inappropriate Things People Have Watched Happen At A Funeral
Redditor u/Thedonutgirl asked the question, "What’s the most inappropriate thing you’ve witnessed at a funeral?" and the responses recalled acts that ranged from outrageous to cringeworthy to downright moronic.
Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.
1."The funeral home putting a random guy in my grandfather's casket, suit, glasses, and wedding band — and then admitting that they had misplaced my grandfather was fairly inappropriate for a funeral."
Comedy Central / Via giphy.com
2."Someone trying to 'quietly' open a can while they were doing the closing prayer."
Fox / Via giphy.com
3."The mother of the deceased putting on a (terribly acted and meth-fueled) show about how much she loved and missed her daughter. Shortly thereafter she was convicted of the daughter’s murder."
4."My brother-in-law's girlfriend locked herself in a car, cried, and screamed, threatening to kill herself at my father-in-law's funeral. She was fine five minutes later and explained to my in-law she did it because she’s not used to not having all the attention."
The CW / Via giphy.com
"She thought her being pregnant would make people forget that the father died?" —u/strangeraej
5."A narcissistic family member arrived late (after everyone else was at the graveside for the burial, and probably lurking behind a tomb to pick the perfect time after the priest had just started talking), wearing an enormous hat and sunglasses and low-cut gown like she was attending the Golden Globes red carpet or something, and loudly making an absolute scene of how devasted she was, daaaaaarlings, and just generally making it all about her."
6."My mother murdered a former state trooper. She went to the funeral and put on a big scene. They were 'friends,' and a couple months later she was arrested and charged with his murder. They did two different Investigation Discovery shows on her."
FOX / Via giphy.com
7."My grandfather was always a trickster. He had this little song he would sing to me, my siblings, and my little cousins where he would just repeat the words 'poo poopy doo' over and over. At his funeral, my aunt was telling stories about him, and in the middle of her telling a story, my 6-year-old cousin screamed, 'POO POOPY DOO' in front of 50 people. Needless to say it lightened the mood a little bit and made everyone a little happier remembering him in a good way."
8."A relative of my husband died. There was a gathering at her house after the funeral, hosted by her husband. About two hours in, a man and woman in their mid-20s show up. They walk around the house a bit, grab a drink, and then disappear. I was asked to get some more drinks from the garage, and I stepped into the garage. There was the young couple, leaning against a car and engaging in some pretty vigorous sexual relations."
"Apparently, not only were they having sex in the garage, but they were doing lines of coke off the hood of the car." —u/awhq
9."At my grandma's funeral, there was a woman that had a really bad relationship with my grandma, but one of my aunts invited her to the funeral. She started receiving people as if she was a family member and tried to put herself at the center of everything."
HBO / Via giphy.com
10."I witnessed the estranged drunk and druggie daughter of a family friend come screaming into the visitation looking for her brothers because she had found out she was never written into the will. It was a hell of a scene."
NBC / Via giphy.com
11."At my cousin's funeral, all of his brothers, sisters, and parents sat in the front row at his graveside service. Then, lo and behold, my cousin's ex-girlfriend of over a year shows up and immediately inserts herself onto the front row next to his sisters. And proceeds to scream-cry, scream-wail, and throw herself on the ground periodically throughout the service."
"All of the family just gave her awkward stares, with no one wanting to address her inappropriate behavior. I had never seen that type of attention-demanding drama-queen antics before...or since..." —u/she_Linden_tree
12."At my grandfather's funeral, the stand-in, curmudgeonly pastor kept calling my grandfather by the wrong name.
NBC / Via giphy.com
"Pastor: We are here to memorialize the life of John Smith.
*Crowd looks confused*
Pastor: John Smith lived a good life. I had never personally met John Smith, but...
My spouse (loudly): Well, I've never met John Smith either. His name was Bob White.
*Everyone attending burst out laughing.*" —u/TooManyDogsHere
13."At an open-casket wake, a friend of the deceased attempted to give her a drink of single malt whiskey. She ended up being forcibly removed, as she wouldn't stop and spilled a lot of the alcohol in the casket. It was as horrible and inappropriate as it was heartbreaking."
ABC / Via giphy.com
14."At my great-grandmother's funeral, her son showed up to the funeral wearing khakis and his bright orange Tennessee Vols shirt. Then he started yelling at my mom when she asked him who the pallbearers were going to be, mainly throwing a fit about who was in the will."
Fox / Via giphy.com
"Mind you, we hadn't even left the funeral home yet and were literally needing to know who they would be at that very moment. Needless to say we don't talk to that side of the family anymore." —u/Ranku_Abadeer
15."It was a funeral for an uncle in Greece, in the summer, where the church is very full and incredibly hot. Not totally unexpectedly, a man standing near the back faints. Now, this guy was very tall and rather broad; thus he was really difficult to carry outside to get some air!"
"Somebody has the brilliant idea that the pallbearers should carry him, since they've practiced it and are reasonably strong. They pick him up, more or less as they would the casket, and start carrying him toward the door. Suddenly, this guy wakes up, turns his head several times, grasps what's going on and who's carrying him faster than anybody can respond, and immediately starts yelling, 'I'M ALIVE! I'M ALIVE! I'M ALIVEEEEEE!' At which point, one of the pallbearers laughs so hard that he drops what was thankfully a leg, and the others struggle to put him down in what is now a church absolutely exploding with laughter." —u/ioannas
16."The lady who convinced my mother to ditch chemo and use essential oils handed out business cards at her funeral."
Nickelodeon / Via giphy.com