Read full articleBuzzFeed17 Screenshots Of People Who Knew EXACTLY What They Were DoingBuzzFeedNovember 12, 2022 at 5:16 PM·2 min read7Link Copied1.This hotel signmaker who knows what's up: u/Zaldabus / Via reddit.com2.The artist who designed this sugar packet that looks questionable... u/indigoculus / @tania_laskaa / Via is actually very innocent and 100% not what you thought it was: u/indigoculus / @tania_laskaa / Via reddit.com3.The dad who made this side-eye swap-out: u/[deleted] / Via reddit.com4.The designer who put this guy on this weight in JUST the right position... u/Benny_Johnz / Via wrong, depending on how you look at it: u/Benny_Johnz / Via reddit.com5.This sign designer who 100% knew what they were doing: u/[deleted] / Via reddit.com6.This person who decided to draw something ~fishy~... u/excelsior_frenemy / Via turned out to be just "a lobster": u/excelsior_frenemy / Via reddit.com7.This sneaky signmaker who really did that: u/dredwerker / Via reddit.com8.The grocery store clerk who had some fun with this label-maker: u/NotRobot_ / Via reddit.com9.And the employee who had a lot of fun when placing this label: u/CookieChokkate / Via reddit.com10.The employee who put a "used" label in juuuust the right spot: u/jeanheff / Via reddit.com11.The copywriter who chose to write, "Bring your bush to life..." for this vibrating piece of decor: u/rudager62369 / Via reddit.com12.This sign designer who said, "Yup, that'll do": u/keith2301 / Via reddit.com13.This butcher who you KNOW had a good ol' laugh about this: u/[deleted] / Via reddit.com14.The employee who made this sign and then said, "Sorry, I just couldn't resist." u/MHSPitDad / Via reddit.com15.The city planner who managed to sneak in this questionable design: u/randydufrane / Via reddit.com16.The store owner who made this cheeky sign: u/solantf1 / Via reddit.com17.And finally, the person who placed these gift cards... u/beautyaal / Via just the right (or wrong)... u/beautyaal / Via u/beautyaal / Via reddit.comH/T r/theyknew View comments