15 YA Romance Books That Perfectly Capture Teenage Love
15 YA Romance Books That Perfectly Capture Teenage Love
When it comes to heart rate-rising, twitterpated, can't eat, can't sleep, over the fence, out of the park, World Series kind of stuff, nobody does romance like young adult novels. And that probably has a lot to do with the all-in nature of first love. Think back to your own high school crushes. We're willing to bet there was a lot of doodling new last names in math homework margins, giggling by your locker with your BFF and stealing glances across the school dance floor or cafeteria. There's just something about falling in love as a teenager that makes it all feel so much more intense, and that kind of high-stakes drama makes for an equally great read.
Our favorite teen romance books also feature diverse characters, LGBTQ+ storylines and a wide range of experiences because it's especially important for teens and young readers to see themselves in fiction. Whether you're shopping for a book to help a heartbroken teenager realize there's another love out there for them, to encourage your child to stay true to themselves or just need a fun page-turner for a Valentine's Day (or anytime) gift, there's something on this list that fits the bill. And if you're a little outside the target demographic and want to pick up one or more of these books yourselves, you've got our blessing.
These are the best YA and teen romance novels, including those with LGBTQ+ and BIPOC characters, so every reader feels seen.