15 Easy Ways to Save Money Each Month
15 Easy Ways to Save Money Each Month
Have your efforts to sock away money failed miserably? Sometimes saving seems impossible, but there are lots of clever ways to save even if you’re on a tight budget. Shopping and finance experts share their favorite tips and tricks for pinching those pennies every month.
Turn Old Bills Into Savings
It’s such a relief when you finally pay off a student loan or a long-running credit card bill, right? But, rather than spending that money, Stefanie O'Connell, millennial money expert and author of The Broke and Beautiful Life, suggested turning those funds into savings contributions. “If you just made the last $300 monthly payment on your student loans, start sending that $300 per month to your savings account,” she says. “You can use this strategy with smaller things too, like the magazine subscription you just cancelled.
Are you paying for things, like gym memberships or smartphone apps that you don’t use anymore? Justin Howell, co-founder and CEO of Rize, a saving and investing app, suggests cleaning house. “Unroll.me and TrueBill help you find your subscriptions and eliminate the ones you don’t use,” he says. “This could potentially save you some big bucks this year.
With monthly subscriptions, memberships or other ongoing commitments, like software or apps you pay for every month, that you want to keep, Bobbi Rebell CFP? and host of the Financial Grownup podcast suggest that there may be an opportunity to negotiate a better rate. “[If] companies know you like the service and if all it takes is the right price to lure you back, that is worth the effort for them,” she says. She also suggests letting the subscription lapse, if you can, as the company may offer you some great deals to woo you back.
Online Bargaining
You may look for coupons and cashback opportunities as you shop online, but have you tried negotiating by a site's chat function? Michael Wheeler, who teaches a negotiations course for Harvard Business School’s digital learning initiative, HBX, says that you can sometimes score a lower price by doing so. “Start by asking for a discount in plain, clear language," he says. If you get a no, be persistent, and ask again in a friendly tone. You might be (happily) surprised at the result.
Price Tracking
Amazon is known for its great prices, but that doesn’t mean you’re getting the lowest price every time you check out. Exercising a little patience can ensure that you’re getting the best deal Amazon has to offer. David Mercer founder of SME Pals, a blog dedicated to helping people turn their business ideas into profitable startups, suggests using a price tracker, like ranktracer.com. “Amazon has many thousands of sellers behind the scenes who change their prices all the time as they compete with each other,” he says. “Combine hourly tracking with Amazon coupons, if available, to squeeze the very lowest prices out of Amazon on a regular basis.”
Get Price Alerts
Gabriella Santaniello, founder of A-Line Partners, an independent retail research firm, uses Price Alert for Amazon. “If the price of my desired item decreases in price, they send a price alert email,” she says. “Now that many designers have Amazon shops, this trick applies just as much to apparel as it does to household goods.” If you have other favorite retailers, Santaniello also recommends signing up for their email lists, joining rewards programs, and downloading its app for discounts and exclusive bonuses.
Earn While You Shop
Liz Eischen of the Kitchen Table Finances blog, has saved a bundle using the Ibotta app, which offers its users rewards for shopping with retailers like Target, PetSmart, and Boxed.com. “Ibotta has helped me save money by being more mindful of what I am purchasing,” Eischen says. “I take a few minutes before shopping to explore the current offers on Ibotta and identify items I can earn cash back on. These savings go directly into a savings account.
Brown Bag Lunch
You can save a couple thousand dollars a year by bringing your lunch to work, according to Janette Pavini, savings expert for Coupons.com. “The average deli meat and cheese sandwich, a bag of chips, a cookie, and iced tea costs around $11.50 a day. That is close to $3,000 a year! By making a nearly identical lunch at home, you would spend around $700.” She also says that planning your weekly menu around what’s on sale at the grocery store could save you at least 35 percent off your bill. Also, remember to join your grocery store's loyalty program, use coupons, and ask for a rain check if a sale item is out of stock so you can get the sale price when it’s available.
Enjoy the Convenience
Curbside pickup and grocery delivery may seem like a luxury, but it can actually save you money and precious time. “By having the groceries come to you or by picking them up curbside at the store, you avoid the impulse purchases that can easily add 20 percent or more to your grocery bill,” says Kimberly Foss, CFP?, and bestselling author of Wealthy by Design: A 5-Step Plan for Financial Security. “In addition to the money you’ll save, the time you gain may be the biggest savings of all.”
Compare Your Prescriptions
Avoid overpaying for your prescriptions. Joe Sanginiti, CEO of FamilyWize, a prescription savings program, suggests opting for generic drugs over brand name. “Generics are equally effective and cost much less,” he says. “According to the FDA, the average cost of a generic drug is 80-85 percent lower than its brand name counterpart.” He also suggests shopping around, as prices may vary between pharmacies.
BYO Water
If you’ve fallen into the habit of buying bottled water, you know it can add up. Instead of buying water, small business owner, Zaida Khaze of Wiggletot, a diaper changing solution, carries filtered water in her favorite Zojirushi stainless steel water bottles. “I estimate saving $23.33 per month because I pay $13.33 a month using filtered water versus $36.66 for bottled water bought in cases of 24,” she said. “The savings is even higher if I buy water at any event, where the price ranges between $2 to $3 a bottle.”
Eat In
Eating out regularly is a very expensive habit. Stan Smith, CEO of SaveDaily, a private label platform that enables ‘everyday saving’ to all, suggests starting out by trying to eat out one fewer time per week. “Depending on how much you eat out, this can add up to more than $30 per week in savings,” he says. “Do that for just a month and you have $120 more in your pocket.” Smith also recommends that when you do go out, skip the alcoholic beverages or limit yourself to one if you typically order more than one.
As you’re doing your spring cleaning, gather all your gently used household items and sell them to make some extra cash that you can sock away in your savings account. “It has never been easier to sell your surplus stuff; apps like Letgo, Offerup, ThredUp, and Chairish, and even Facebook Buy and Sell Groups can be a simple and quick way to turn that rug you no longer need or those end tables that no longer match your décor into extra savings,” says Foss.
Get Fit
Access your fitness content from DVDs, YouTube, or low-cost apps instead of paying for that pricey gym membership. Don't want to give up all those machines and great classes? Showering at the gym is kind of a pain, but it can be a money-saver. “If you're a dedicated fitness junkie, take your clothes for the day with you, get ready for work at the gym, and head straight to the office from there," says Tara Falcone, CFP? and Founder of ReisUP, a financial services startup dedicated to increasing financial education and access. "Doing so a four to five days per week can reduce your water/sewer and electricity costs.”
Avoid Fees
You can pay up to $10 for using the wrong ATM! ATM and other banking fees can really add up, depending on what bank you belong to. “You can avoid paying outrageous ATM fees by always using your own bank’s ATM or, even better, some online banks allow you to use any ATM in the world for free," says Alexandra Horigan, money expert for online bank, Aspiration. "This is particularly great for frequent travelers who never know where they’ll be taking cash out next.” Horigan also recommends switching to a bank that doesn’t make money from “failure fees,” which result from overdrafts or paying your credit card bill late. Two banks that don't charge overdraft fees are Simple and Chime.
In a matter of months, you could have a nice little rainy day fund set aside.