10 Terrific Facts About Tarsiers
Learn more about these extraordinary and ancient primates (that aren't monkeys).
Matteo Colombo / Getty Images
Tarsiers are little-known nocturnal primates about the size of a tennis ball. Once more widespread, the animals are now limited to the Southeast Asian islands of the Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei, and Indonesia. There are 14 tarsier species and extinction threatens all of them to some degree.
With a stare like no other animal, super long fingers, velvety soft fur, and the ability to catch insects or even birds with a pounce, tarsiers are worth a second look. Here are a few things that make the animal so fantastic.
1. Tarsiers Have Enormous Eyes
Khoroshunova Olga / Shutterstock
Tarsiers have the largest eyes relative to body size of any mammal. Each eyeball is around 16 millimeters in diameter, which is as large as the tarsier’s brain. The animals' eyes are so large that they can’t rotate them. Instead, tarsiers can twist their necks 180 degrees in either direction like owls. They use this ability to wait silently and motionless for prey to approach, rather than moving around to hunt.
The size of the tarsier's eyes is likely related to the absence of a reflective layer called a tapetum, typically found on the eyes of other nocturnal animals. Tarsier babies are born with their eyes open, ready to climb trees within an hour of birth.
2. They Are Entirely Carnivorous
Tarsiers are the only entirely carnivorous primate. While the specific diet varies with the species, they all have one thing in common: they don’t eat plant matter of any kind. Tarsiers feast on insects, reptiles like lizards and snakes, frogs, birds, and even bats. They’re serious ambush predators, waiting silently for prey to approach nearby—and can even snag birds and bats right out of the air.
Old texts, based on regional lore, reported that tarsiers eat charcoal. This report is untrue; instead, tarsiers dig through charcoal to reach bugs.
3. They Have Elongated Appendages
Tarsiers get their name from the extraordinarily elongated tarsus bones in their feet. While the tarsier’s head and body are four to six inches long, their hind legs and feet are twice that length. Tarsiers also have a long, usually hairless tail that adds an extra eight or nine inches. Their fingers are extra long to help grasp tree branches, and their third finger is as long as their entire upper arm. The tips of their digits can expand into disk-like adhesive pads that aid them in gripping. This unique anatomy allows tarsiers to be vertical clingers and climbers—and jumpers. They can jump 40 times their body length in a single leap.
4. They Live Close to the Ground
outcast85 / Shutterstock
Tarsiers typically reside between three and six-and-a-half feet off the ground. These animals prefer living in areas of dense, dark vegetation. They need plenty of tree cover, especially for sleeping (they sleep during the day while clinging to a vertical tree branch or bamboo). The thick vegetation of the rainforest and living close to the forest floor provide greater access to insects and other prey. It also shades their sensitive eyes from the sun. Tarsiers can be found in old-growth and secondary forests, and in low scrubby vegetation.
5. There Are Three Types of Tarsiers
There are three types of tarsiers: Eastern, Western, and Philippine. Eastern tarsiers inhabit Sulawesi and the surrounding islands and Philippine tarsiers are limited to the Philippines and have a bald tail and hairless feet, while Brunei, Borneo, Indonesia, and Malaysia host populations of Western Tarsiers (all having tails with tufts at the end). The Philippine and Western tarsiers are predominantly lowland species. Eastern tarsiers are spread across many habitats and elevations, except for the pygmy species, which is solely found above 1,600 feet. The pygmy variety was thought to have gone extinct when it wasn't spotted between 1921 and 2008.
6. They Are the Oldest Surviving Primate Group
Tarsiers are some of the oldest primates, dating back at least 55 million years, with fossil records showing them once spread worldwide, including North America and Europe. Tarsier fossil remains indicate a tiny creature of only around an ounce. Eye sockets on these fossils suggest some were likely active during the day. Fossil records also show these tarsiers have the long hindlimbs and grasping feet that today's species use to leap between branches.
7. They Don't Do Well in Captivity
Tarsiers' specific habitat and prey needs make captive breeding programs virtually impossible, and only around 50% of tarsiers put into captivity survive. Tarsiers that are stressed or in cages that are too small have suicidal tendencies. Particular stressors include light, noise, humans in the habitat, and being touched. When stressed, tarsiers bash their thin skulls against trees, the floor, or cage walls. Habitat conservation is the tarsier's only hope. Life expectancy in captivity drops to two to 12 years, compared to 24 years in the wild.
8. They Perform Duets
Pairs of tarsiers engage in complex duet calls, most likely occurring at sunrise as the tarsiers head to sleep. Scientists believe that the tarsier couple is providing other tarsiers in the area with information about their pair bond. The duets also may serve to mediate territorial issues. Researchers are interested in these duets because the co-singing may provide insights into the evolution of human language. Tarsiers can produce calls in the ultrasonic range, possibly to warn others of humans approaching or predators like snakes or owls.
9. Pygmy Tarsiers Were Believed Extinct
In 2008, scientists located the first population of live pygmy tarsiers (Tarsius pumilus) since collectors obtained specimens in 1930. Measuring only three to four inches long, including the tail, these are the smallest living tarsiers, about the size of a small mouse. They have thick, curly coats and can wiggle their ears. Pygmy tarsiers aren't as vocal as lowland tarsiers, but scientists speculate they may make high-pitched noises undetectable to human ears.
10. They Are at Risk of Extinction
All tarsier species are vulnerable to extinction due to rapidly shrinking habitats and fragmentation. Oil palm, coconut, and coffee plantations are replacing the dense vegetation tarsiers need to maintain their numbers successfully. Vulnerability to predation by feral cats and dogs, and human poaching for food and use as pets, add to the issues these animals face. Focused and wide-ranging conservation efforts are needed across Southeast Asia to preserve the tarsier
The Siau Island Tarsier is among the 25 most endangered primates in the world. Not only has their primary habitat been destroyed, but they are also regularly eaten as a snack.
Save the Tarsiers
Don't visit roadside zoos or attractions with captive tarsiers.
Support reputable conservation organizations like the Philippine Tarsier and Wildlife Sanctuary in Corella.
Avoid products made with palm and coconut oils.
Read the original article on Treehugger.