7 of the biggest birds on Earth
Discover what life is like for some of the biggest birds to roam the planet
Some of the biggest birds on Earth can stand taller than any NBA player and spread their wings wider than a king size bed.
There are almost 10,000 species of birds on Earth and they come in all different shapes and sizes — from the tiny bee hummingbird to the massive ostrich. Here are the biggest birds to inhabit our planet, including the tallest, heaviest and those whose wings spread the furthest.
Although these birds might look like a juvenile ostrich, rhea are in fact their South American cousins. At only around one fifth of the size of an adult ostrich, rhea can still weigh an impressive 66 pounds (30 kilograms) and grow up to 5 feet tall (1.5 meters), according to the Smithsonian’s National Zoo & Conservation Biology Institute. Rhea are flightless birds and, like ostriches, use their wings as balance aids while running at high speeds of up to 40 miles per hour, according to the Houston Zoo. Female rhea lay up to 40 eggs per breeding season, but it is the males of the species that will incubate the eggs for around 30 days before they hatch.
The southern cassowary is one of the most prehistoric-looking birds to prowl through New Guinea and mainland Australia. Towering up to 6 feet (2 meters) tall, cassowary's are one of the tallest birds on Earth, according to the Australian Museum. Topping off their height is a prominent helmet called a casque which is made of a thick layer of keratin — the same material that makes up your nails and hair. Cassowaries use these helmets to push past vegetation as they run through the forest, according to the Edinburgh Zoo. As well as being one of the biggest bird species, they have also gained the reputation of being one of the most dangerous. As one of the few birds recorded to have killed humans, cassowary uses their sharp 3-toed feet — which sports a middle 4 inch (10 centimeter) long toe — to deliver a fatal swipe to its target, according to Scientific American.
The Dalmatian pelican is not only the largest species of pelican but is one of the biggest flying birds in the world. With a wingspan of around 11 feet (3 meters), these pelicans are high flyers and have been observed to reach altitudes of more than 10,000 feet (3,000 meters), according to the Arizona Center for Nature Conservation.
Along with a big pair of wings, Dalmatian pelicans also have a big appetite. An adult pelican can devour around 4 pounds (1.8 kilograms) of fish in a single day, according to San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance. Dalmatian pelicans gather this amount of fish by using their enormous bill pouches to dive into the water and scoop out fish near the surface. Once the fish are trapped inside their bills, the pelicans will lean their heads forwards to strain out the water and devour their meal.
Also known as whale-headed storks, shoebills are one of Africa’s strangest and tallest birds. These strange storks stand at around 5 feet (1.5 meters) tall and spend their time wading amongst freshwater swamps and marshes hunting fish and other small aquatic species, according to the Animal Diversity Web. As hunters, shoebills have a high success rate and deliver a fatal strike into the water around 60% of the time, according to the charity BirdLife International. These solitary birds are not found in flocks and often occupy a territory of around 1 square mile (3 square kilometers).
Great bustards are the largest land bird in Europe, but are also found in Central Asia, Russia and Morocco according to The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB). Males can weigh up to 31 pounds (14 kilograms) and stand almost 4 feet (1.2 meters) tall, which also means they are an easy target for hunters. Consequently, their numbers have been in decline throughout the years — more than 30% of the global population lost since the 1960s — and become nationally extinct in some countries such as the United Kingdom, according to BirdLife International. According to RSPB, the last great bustard was shot in 1832 in the UK, but was reintroduced in 2004 and currently houses a self-sustaining population of more than 100 birds, according to the BBC.
Of all the 18 species of penguins on Earth, emperor penguins are the biggest, according to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). They stand around 4 feet (1.2 meters) tall and weigh around 88 pounds (40 kilograms), however this fluctuates regularly throughout the year. These flightless birds utilise their fat stores to insulate themselves against the harsh conditions of the Antarctic winter, along with several layers of scale-like feathers which would withstand up to 68 miles per hour winds before they ruffled, according to the Australian Department for Agriculture, Water and the Environment. In addition to their own insulation, emperor penguins huddle together in colonies to cut down heat loss by 50% and create a temperature of above 75 degrees Fahrenheit (24 degrees Celsius) inside the huddle.
The Andean condor is the largest species of raptor on the planet and the second-largest wingspan of any bird — which spans around 10.5 feet (3.2 meters), according to the San Diego Wildlife Alliance. Along with their impressive wingspan, these birds can ascend to heights of up to 18,000 feet (5,500 meters) passing over the peaks of the Andes, according to Welsh Mountain Zoo. Due to their large wingspan, these birds can globe on air current with ease without expelling much energy. Andean condors are a species of vulture and, like many vulture species, aren’t predominantly hunters and scavenge their food from dying or deceased animals – around 15 pounds (6.8 kilograms) of carrion (dead or decaying flesh) in a single meal, according to San Diego Wildlife Alliance. The Andean condor also has a long lifespan of around 50 years in the wild and up to 80 years while in captivity, according to the Wildlife Conservation Society Peru.
Discover what life is like for some of the biggest birds to roam the planet