The Daily Habit That Can Improve Both Sleep and Sex
Sex and sleep have a tight relationship. Satisfying sex often leads to sleep post-action — especially for men, who release the slumber-inducing hormone prolactin during orgasm. And then there’s the unsatisfying kind that makes you want to nod off during the deed.
But there is yet another way they’re connected: A simple daily meditation practice can improve the quality of both your sleep and your sex life. That’s a pretty amazing return on the investment of a few minutes a day, wouldn’t you say?
If you’re game to try but are daunted by the idea of quieting down your mind, check out the video above with Emily Fletcher, founder of Ziva Meditation. Yahoo Health talked with Fletcher at the 2015 Bulletproof Biohacking Conference to bust some common meditation myths and find out how everyone can learn — and benefit from — this free, easy, science-backed, life-enhancing habit.
Read This Next: Meditation Made Easy: 5 Life-Changing Pointers
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