Your Internet History May Be Up for Grabs, and ‘South Park’ Predicted This Would Happen

On Conspiracy Corner, we break down weird coincidences between pop culture and real life! This week, Congress voted to wipe away protections on your Internet search history. If President Trump approves S.J.Res.34, Internet service providers will be able to track and sell everything you do online. Everything. And this past season of South Park predicted that this would happen.
South Park’s 20th season detailed Denmark’s campaign to end Internet trolling by launching Troll Trace, a new technology that publishes the world’s Internet history. Like the Death Star blowing up Alderaan, the Danes exhibited the true might of their weapon by unleashing Troll Trace on Fort Collins, Colo., and pandemonium naturally ensued.
Before you turn the world into Fort Collins, know that there are some Internet avengers fighting back. Misha Collins from The CW’s Supernatural started the GoFundMe campaign “Buy Congress’ Internet Data,” which has already reached $67,000 of the $500 million goal.
And Max Temkin, creator of the popular party game Cards Against Humanity, vowed to release the data himself. held a vote to decide whose surfing habits should be purchased first. Speaker of the House Paul Ryan won with 35 percent of the contentious vote.
Watch: South Park Creators: Trump Is Too Hard to Satirize…
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Tell us what you think! What do you think of this strange coincidence between South Park and the House vote? And are you interested to see what websites Speaker Ryan frequents? Hit us up on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram, or leave your comments below. And check out our host, Khail Anonymous, on Twitter.