WWE SmackDown Results (12/2/22)
WWE SmackDown Results
December 2, 2022
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com
Check out last week’s coverage: WWE SmackDown Results (11/25/22)
In-Ring Segment: The Usos, Solo Sikoa, and Sami Zayn
Jey tells Zayn he didn’t like him at first, but he proved himself. Zayn says he is feeling very Ucey. Zayn does special handshakes with both Usos at the same time. The Brawling Brutes interrupt. Sheamus says that’s enough talk because it’s fight night.
Sami Zayn w/The Bloodline vs. Sheamus w/The Brawling Brutes
Sheamus tosses Zayn around the ring. Zayn fires back with a few strikes. Zayn tries a hip toss. Sheamus blocks it and levels Zayn with a clothesline. Zayn rolls out of the ring. Sheamus follows and launches Zayn into the barricade.
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