Where to find Easter egg hunts in the Columbus area for kids, adults and pets!
It's almost time for Peter Cottontail to come hoppin' down the bunny trail, hiding colorful eggs hither and yon for young hunters to seek and find.
Over the next few weekends, communities, rec centers and churches in Columbus and beyond will be offering many chances to make a mad dash for Easter eggs.
Adults can also get in on the egg-citement and there's even an event for your canine companions!
If you're looking for a place to search for Easter goodies, here are some egg hunts taking place in the area.
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? Sanctuary Columbus Church, 4142 Westerville Road. From 10 to 11:30 a.m. March 23, kids in grades 3-5 can hunt for candy-filled eggs indoors with glow-in-the-dark flashlights, while younger participants will hunt outdoors. RSVP at bit.ly/3P8orL4.
? Fellowship Baptist Church, 4701 Winchester Pike. Presented with Madison Twp. Professional Fire Fighters IAFF Local 2507, family-friendly activities will begin at 10 a.m. March 23, followed promptly at 11 a.m. with egg hunts in three age divisions: 4 and younger, 5-8 years, and 9-12 years. There also will be a random drawing of six children to win an age-appropriate bicycle. (bit.ly/48GSoc3)
? The city of Columbus Recreation and Parks Department is bringing egg hunts back to local community centers, including the Far East Community Center, 1826 Lattimer Drive, where kids 12 and younger can hunt for candy-filled plastic eggs from 10 a.m. to noon on March 30. Other centers will be added soon, so check here to find the location nearest you: columbusrecparks.com/facilities/communitycenters.
? The Church of Scientology of Central Ohio, 1266 Dublin Road. The fun will begin at 1 p.m. March 31, with an egg hunt at 1:30 p.m. The Easter Bunny will be there, along with face-painting, bounce houses and other activities. Reserve a spot online at bit.ly/4a4J56Z so organizers know how many attendees to expect.
? Jeffrey Meadow, behind Jeffrey Mansion at 165 N. Parkview Ave. The annual Egg Dash will begin at noon on March 30 and lasts only a few minutes. Keep an eye out for the prized golden eggs! (bexley.org/eggdash)
Canal Winchester
? C3 Church, 6305 Waterloo Road NW. C3's Eggstravaganza offers glow-in-the dark fun from 7 to 9 p.m. March 22. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. The flashlight egg hunt starts at 8 p.m. for younger age groups and 8:30 p.m. for older participants. Take a flashlight and an Easter basket. Register at bit.ly/48LaCsO.
? McGill Park, 6725 Lithopolis-Winchester Road. The community egg hunt, which will begin promptly at 10 a.m. March 23, is for kids up to age 10 and will be divided into three age groups to hunt for more than 10,000 eggs, with special prize eggs in each division. Take a bag or basket. (canalwinchesterohio.gov)
? Hannah Park, 6547 Clark State Road. Activities will take place from 10:30 to 1 p.m. March 23. The egg hunt will be divided by age group; a sensory-friendly hunt starts at 10:30 a.m. Enjoy face-painting, clown entertainment, arts and crafts, food truck vendors and a visit by the Easter Bunny. (webtrac.gahanna.gov)
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Grandview Heights
Wyman Woods Park, 1520 Goodale Blvd.
? The egg hunt for ages 2 to 10 will begin at 10 a.m. sharp on March 30, with kids divided into three age groups. Family and friends are welcome to hang out and enjoy doughnuts, juice, and fun activities in the shelter house.
? The pre-teen egg party for ages 8 to 14 will be held in the shelter house from 6 to 8 p.m. March 29, with an egg hunt, pizza, games and more. Registration with fee required.
For more information about either event, visit grandviewheights.gov/338/Easter-Egg-Hunt.
Grove City
? Century Village at Fryer Park, 3899 Orders Road. From 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. March 23, there will be be trunks with treats from many local businesses and a scavenger hunt. There also will be a sensory-friendly option for individuals with all abilities. (visitgrovecityoh.com)
? Fortress Obetz, 2015 Recreation Trail. Enjoy the thrill of the hunt, as well as inflatables, temporary tattoos, pictures with the Easter Bunny (don't forget your camera) and delicious treats from local food vendors from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. March 30. (bit.ly/3P5ZPTh)
? Thomas J. Evans Foundation Park, 10255 McIntosh Road. This event from 1 to 4 p.m. March 23 includes inflatables, food trucks, the Easter Bunny, Disney princesses and other characters. Egg hunts begin by age category at 2:15 p.m., with about 20,000 eggs including grand prizes. Take a basket. (facebook.com/PataskalaEasterEggHunt)
? New Hope Church, 4739 W. Powell Road. Children up to 5th grade can hunt for eggs, visit with the Easter Bunny, get their faces painted and listen to stories from 3 to 4:30 p.m. March 24. Register online. (newhopeworship.org/easteregghunt)
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? Westerville Community Center, 350 N. Cleveland Ave. Taking place from 10:30 a.m. to noon March 30, the Civitans egg hunt is geared toward individuals with disabilities (intellectual/developmental and physical). Beeper eggs will be included for those with visual impairments. The hunt is conducted indoors and the site is fully accessible. Registration deadline is March 27. Contact [email protected] for information.
? Vineyard Columbus, 6000 Cooper Road. From 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. March 23, there will be egg hunts for children in pre-kindergarden through 5th grade outdoors, pictures with the Easter bunny, face painting, cookie decorating, bounce houses and a DJ providing music. Irie Jam cafรฉ will be open if you want to buy lunch. Bring your Easter bucket. (easter.vineyardcolumbus.org)
Adults only
? Wyman Woods, 1520 Goodale Blvd., Grandview Heights. The first-ever Moonlight Adult Egg Hunt, set for 7:30 to 9 p.m. March 28 in the shelter house, will feature eggs hidden all over the field with candy and special prizes or raffle tickets. A food truck and the Easter Bunny will be on-site. The cost is $10, with pre-registration required. (grandviewheights.gov/338/Easter-Egg-Hunt)
? Union County Fairgrounds, 845 N. Main St., Marysville. For ages 18 and older, this flashlight Easter egg hunt will take place at 8:30 p.m. April 6, and includes food trucks, raffles, entertainment, and adult beverages for 21 and older. Tickets cost $29.50 . (marysvilleadulteasteregghunt.com)
Fun for furry friends
? Wyman Woods, 1520 Goodale Blvd., Grandview Heights. Take your pup (on a leash) and a basket to the shelter house for the "bEgg hunt" between 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. March 28 to hunt for treat-filled eggs, followed by a costume contest and pictures with the Easter Bunny. The first 100 dogs registered receive a goodie bag. The cost is $5 per dog. (grandviewheights.gov/338/Easter-Egg-Hunt)
? The Cakehound, 1147 Jaeger St., along with German Village Fun Bunch and PetPromise are hosting the Hoppin' Hound from noon to 3 p.m. March 24. The event will be split into two arrival times to spread traffic out. Each stop along the 2-mile bunny trail is a local business with unique handmade and/or curated goods. The last stop will be Cakehound, where you can donate $10 ($3 goes to support PetPromise) to have photos taken with the Easter Bunny. Volunteers will be on-site to assist with photo taking with your mobile device. Dogs (disregard the scheduling feature when registering). Event is rain or shine. (thecakehound.com)
Special events: Eggs, Paws and Claws and Historic Dublin Bunny Hop
? Columbus Zoo and Aquarium, 4850 Powell Road, Powell. Be sure to hop over to "Eggs, Paws and Claws" with your family and friends for this event taking place from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. March 29-30. Attractions will include photos with the Easter Bunny and meet-and-greets with hosts Eggbert, Shelley, Yolko and Oh-No, who'll also crack you up with their Rolling Shell-ebration on the Character Express. The Egg-Splore-N-Find will feature eggs with characters painted on them hidden throughout the zoo. Get an activity map at the tent just inside the turnstiles to take part in this adventure. Once all the eggs are located, stop by the prize tent in Entry Village to receive a prize while supplies last. This event is included with zoo admission, which can be found online. (columbuszoo.org)
? Dublin Historic District, various locations. Enjoy the free, family-friendly Annual Historic Dublin Bunny Hop from 2 to 5 p.m. March 30. Pick up your Bunny Hunt card at the Dublin Toy Emporium, 28 N. High St. or the Dublin Ohio Visitorโs Center, 9 S. High St., then search throughout the historic district for 12 colored bunnies. Write the location of each bunny on your card and return it to the Toy Emporium by 4:30 p.m. to get a prize and be entered to win a gift card. (bit.ly/4abxpiK)
This article originally appeared on The Columbus Dispatch: Easter egg hunts and other events in Columbus and beyond