What's NXT
Information in the calendar is subject to change or cancellation. If your organization changes or cancels an event listed in the What's NXT calendar, please notify us immediately by emailing [email protected] or calling 301-791-6024. To submit an event, email it to the calendar at [email protected] at least 2 1/2 weeks before the event.
Sunday, May 29
Great Boonsboro Rescue Company Carnival
Through Saturday, June 4 - kitchen and rides, 5 p.m., free music entertainment, 6:30 and 8:30 p.m. nightly
Shafer Park
37 Park Drive
Entertainment includes: Sunday, May 29, JJ Billings Band featuring rock from the 1990s and 2000s; Monday, May 30, Rudy and the Bluefish with a mix of blues, R&B, soul, funk, 50s rock and roll; Tuesday, May 31, The Reagan Years, The East Coast's original 80s Tribute Band; Wednesday, June 1, Brent Miller; Thursday, June 2, Jill Fulton Band; Friday, June 3, Staff Infection Band; Saturday, June 4, The Brickyard Road, a journey through music Skynyrd style. For information on ticket prices, go to tinyurl.com/mha3psj3.
Memorial Day Ceremony
Sunday, May 29 - 1:30 p.m.
In front of Washington County Circuit Court House
Summit Avenue and West Washington Street
Col. Cregg Puckett will be the keynote speaker. The national anthem and special flute music will be provided by local musician Morgan Jenkins. Both color guard and honor guard details will be present. Mayor Emily Keller will give welcoming comments. Sponsored by Morris Frock Post 42 American Legion.
Pen Mar Dance Concerts
Sunday, May 29 - 2 to 5 p.m.
Pen Mar Park
14600 Pen Mar Road
The Unforgettable Big Band will perform. Call 240-313-2807.
David Sparrow
Sunday, May 29 - 1 to 4 p.m.
Big Cork Vineyards
4236 Main St.
Call 301-302-8032 or go to Bigcorkvineyards.com.
Jason & Michelle
Sunday, May 29 - 4 to 6 p.m.
Red Heifer Winery
12840 Red Heifer Winery Lane
For ages 21 and older. Call 301-824-5210 or go to Redheiferwinery.com.
Monday, May 30
Rest Haven's Memorial Day Celebration
Monday, May 30 - 11 a.m.
Rest Haven Cemetery
1601 Pennsylvania Ave.
The event will begin with a bagpiper rendition of "Amazing Grace," followed by a reading. Volunteer buglers will then play Echo Taps, followed by a selection of patriotic songs performed by Appalachian Wind Quintet. Call 301-733-3575.
Memorial Day Program
Monday, May 30 - 11 a.m.
Antietam National Battlefield National Cemetery
Md. 34 east of Sharpsburg
This year's program will honor those who gave their lives for our country and explore the history of Memorial Day. Hagerstown Choral Arts will provide music. There will be a cannon salute by the park's volunteer group, Battery B, 4th U.S. Artillery, and Taps will be played by Master Sergeant Geoff Blankenship and retired Chief Master Seargent Ron Glazier of the 167th Airlift Wing, Martinsburg, W.Va. Dr. Carrie Janney, award director of the Nau Center for Civil War History at the University of Virginia, will serve as keynote speaker.
Memorial Day Concert
Monday, May 30 - 7:30 p.m.
Chambersburg Memorial Park Band Shell
1 Memorial Drive
Chambersburg, Pa.
The Chambersburg School of Music Community Choir will perform selections with the Cumberland Valley School of Music Symphonic Band. Free. Call 717-261-1220 or go to www.cvsmusic.org.
Wednesday, June 1
Wee Wonders Registration Deadline
Registration and payment by Wednesday, June 1; Sessions are Tuesdays, June 7, 14, 21, and 28 - 10 to 11:15 a.m.
Pine Hill Recreation Area
12684 Mentzer Gap Road
Waynesboro, Pa.
The program is designed for children ages 2 1/2 to 5 and is taught by The Institute's educators. The program includes exploring the outdoors, hikes, nature stories, rhymes, finger plays, nature games and puppets. Advance registration for the full series and payment in advance is required by Wednesday, June 1. The fee for all four programs is $32 per child or $28 for members of The Institute. To register, email [email protected] or call 717-762-0
'The XII Corps at Antietam: Tactical Details and Findings'
Wednesday, June 1 - 7 p.m.
Jacob Rohrbach Inn
138 W. Main St.
Chris Bryan will discuss "The XII Corps at Antietam: Tactical Details and Findings." For updates and a complete schedule, go to www.facebook.com/JacobRohrbachInn or call 301-432-5079.
Thursday, June 2
Exploring Jonathan Street History, Art, Imagination
Continues to Sept. 11 - Hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Friday; 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday; 1 to 5 p.m. Sunday
Juneteenth Community Day, Sunday, June 19 - 1 to 5 p.m.
Washington County Museum of Fine Arts
401 Museum Drive
City Park
The exhibit combines the artifacts and documentation from the log cabin at 417 Jonathan St. with contemporary art and community memories. Call 301-739-5727 or go to www.wcmfa.org.
'This Is Their Story: African-American Community History of Chambersburg'
Continues through Sunday, Aug. 14
Franklin County Historical Society
175 E. King St.
Chambersburg, Pa.
The exhibit is curated by Shippensburg University student Madison Groninger and focuses on local Black veterans and outstanding women and their oral histories. The exhibit is based on the book, "An All American Town: An Oral History of the African American Community of Franklin County, Pa." by historian C. Bernard Ruffin III. For information, call 717-264-1667.
St. Maria Goretti High School Faculty and Student Art Show
Continues through Tuesday, June 7 - 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Friday; 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday
Washington County Arts Council and virtually
34 S. Potomac St., Suite 100
Call 301-791-3132 or go to Washingtoncountyarts.com/may-2022.
Art at the Chamber of Commerce: Dennis Clarke 'Dance with Me'
Continues through June
Washington County Chamber of Commerce
1 S. Potomac St. on the Square
Downtown Hagerstown
Acrylic landscaping abstract works. Call 301-739-2015 or email [email protected].
Berkeley County, W.Va.: Future, Present, Past
Continues through Saturday, June 25 - Wednesday through Friday, `11 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Saturday, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Berkeley Art Works
116 N. Queen St.
Martinsburg, W.Va.
Thirty-five original 2-D and 3-D works by regional artists address various future, president and past themes in a variety of media, including painting, photography, drawing, mixed media, clay, and assemblage. Go to Berkeleyartswv.org or call 304-620-7277 or go to Berkeleyartswv.org.
'Tablecloths and Tea Towels, Vintage and New'
Continues through June; noon to 4 p.m. Tuesday to Friday; 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday
Allison-Antrim Barn
365 S. Ridge Ave.
Greencastle, Pa.
An exhibit of tablecloths will be on display. Go to www.greencastlemuseum.org or call 717-597-9010.
Discover Berkeley History
Continues through Friday, Dec. 30
Martinsburg Public Library
101 W. King St.
Martinsburg, W.Va.
A series of exhibits illustrating the county's history, from the times of Morgan Morgan and Adam Stephen to the arrival of the B&O Railroad, the Civil War and the booms of agriculture, orchards and textile industries. Exhibit displays will change every two months throughout 2022. Go to Berkeleywv250.com.
Fayetteville Volunteer Fire Department Carnival
Thursday, June 2 to Saturday, June 11
Carnival Grounds
101 W. Main St.
Fayetteville, Pa.
Rides, food and music. Thursday, June 2, The Reagan Years; Friday, June 3, Chris Woodward and Shindiggin; Saturday, June 4, JJ Billings; Sunday, June 5, The Hubcaps; Monday, June 6, Road Ducks; Tuesday, June 7, Jill Fulton Band; Wednesday, June 8, Amish Outlaws; Thursday, June 9, Stick Time; Friday, June 10, Hit Parade; Saturday, June 11, Cash Unchained, Johnny Cash Tribute Band. Free entry and parking.
Great Boonsboro Rescue Company Carnival
Continues through Saturday, June 4 - kitchen and rides, 5 p.m., free music entertainment, 6:30 and 8:30 p.m. nightly
Shafer Park
37 Park Drive
Entertainment includes Thursday, June 2, Jill Fulton Band; Friday, June 3, Staff Infection; Saturday, June 4, The Brickyard Road, a journey through music Skynyrd style. For information on ticket prices, go to tinyurl.com/mha3psj3.
Million Dollar Golf Shot
Thursday, June 2 - 4 p.m.
Fountain Head Country Club
13316 Fountain Head Road
Visitors might win up to a million dollars by taking a swing. A fundraiser for United Way of Washington County. Sponsorship levels: $2,500, $2,00, $500, party pass $25. www.unitedwaywashcounty.org/5th-annual-million-dollar-golf-shot
Judy Elden Memorial Summer Concert Series
Thursday, June 2 - 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Renfrew Museum and Park
1010 E. Main St.
Waynesboro, Pa.
Lucky Punk will perform old-school rock 'n' roll. Free. Go to www.renfrewmuseum.org/summerconcerts.
Friday, June 3
Icon Writing Workshop
Registration deadline, Friday, June 3; workshop, Monday, June 13, to Saturday, June 18 - 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
St. Agnes Catholic Church
106 S. Duke St.
Shepherdstown, W.Va.
Tatiana Gubenko is the instructor and Orthodox iconographer. Hosted by Sacred Art in Action. Limited to 10 students. $660 per person; $150 deposit when you register. For information, go to sacredartinaction.org/icon-class-in-shepherdstown-wv/.
Road to Pentecost 2022
Friday, June 3 - 7 p.m.; Saturday, June 4 - 10:30 a.m.
Country Inn & Suites
17612 Valley Mall Road
Speakers are Jonathan Richardson of Lead Church of Atlanta, Ga., and Jeremy Stone of Courageous Church of Valdosta, Ga. Hosted by Wellspring of Life Family Worship.
Valley Art Association Member Show
Friday, June 3 through Sunday, June 26 - 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays; 1 to 5 p.m. Sundays
Mansion House Art Center and Gallery
480 Highland Ave.
City Park
The exhibit's theme is "Music & Dance." Free admission. Go to www.valleyartassoc.com, www.facebook.com.ValleyArtAssociation.Hagerstown.Md or call 301-797-2867.
Art in the Hallway
Continues through June
At "the link" between Meritus Medical Center's main entrance and Same Day Surgery Center
11116 Medical Campus Road
Art in the Hall will feature "Nature Appreciation" acrylics by Lily Ramos. The exhibit is a collaborative program between Meritus Medical Center Auxiliary and Valley Art Association. Sales are handled at the Meritus gift shop with a portion of the proceeds donated to the auxiliary.
'From Realism to Abstraction'
Continues through the beginning of August - Fridays, 5 to 8 p.m.; Saturdays, 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., and by appointment
Gallery 50
50 W. Main St.
Waynesboro, Pa.
The exhibit showcases the work of 17 artists. The reception will include refreshments and live music from Prophets of the Abstract Truth, who will playing in the adjacent Music Makers' space. Free. Call 717-655-2500, email [email protected] or go to www.artsalliancegw.org.
Prisms in the Springs
Continues through Sunday, July 24 - Reception at 5 p.m. Saturday, June 4, and 6 p.m. at Saturday, June 25; gallery hours are 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thursday through Sunday
Ice House
Corner of Independence and Mercer streets
Berkeley Springs, W.Va.
The show is a celebration of Pride Month and showcases diversity through art. Call 304-258-2300 or go to www.macicehouse.org.
Williamsport Cruise-in
Friday, June 3 - 5 to 8 p.m.
Byron Memorial Park
11 Park Drive
Food, music, 50/50 drawing. $5.
Jonathan Hager House Museum
Fridays and Saturdays - 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
110 Key St.
Jonathan House and Museum is open for 2022 tours. $6; $4, ages 62 and older, students ages 13 to 17 and military; $3, children ages 6 to 12; free for children 5 and younger. For information, go to www.hagerstownmd.org/309/Jonathan-Hager-House-Museum.
City Park Train Hub Museum and Steam Engine 202
Fridays and Saturdays - 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
770 City Park Drive
Retired cabooses and steam locomotive engine. Rides on Tommy 202 on Saturdays, June 4, July 9, Aug. 6, Sept. 17. $5; $3, ages 62 and older, students ages 13 to 17, military; $2 children ages 6 to 12; free for children 5 and younger. Go to www.hagerstownmd.org/310/City-Park-Train-Hub.
Mulehalla with Girls Inc. of Washington County
Friday, June 3 - 8 to 11 p.m.
The Mulehalla
8301 Avis Mill Road
Live music by Leo DiSanto. Food trucks. Bring lawn chairs. BYOB. All proceeds benefit Girls Inc. of Washington County. Held outdoors; indoors if it rains. $4; free for children ages 5 and younger.
Mount Parnell Lions Club Ox Roast
Friday, June 3 - 11 a.m. until sold out
St. Thomas American Legion Grounds
7966 Lincoln Way West
St. Thomas, Pa.
Homemade soups include beef vegetable, beef rice and beef noodle sold by the quart. If available, cold meat and soup will be sold Saturday, June 4, at 10 a.m. All food will be take-out only. Rain or shine. Proceeds will benefit the community and Lion charities.
Disney's 'Encanto' (PG, 2021)
Friday, June 3 - 8:45 p.m.; seating opens at 8 p.m.
Sophie and Madigan's Playground
632 Contender Way
Frederick, Md.
Donations accepted for Sophie and Madigan's Playground. Bring chairs and blankets and respect social distancing. Refreshments will be sold. Sponsored by Interludes with Impact.
'Always Patsy Cline'
Continues through Sunday, June 12
Totem Pole Playhouse
9555 Golf Course Road
Fayetteville, Pa.
The show is based on a true story about Cline's friendship with a fan from Houston named Louise Seger, who befriended the star in 1961 and continued a correspondence with Cline until her death. Tickets cost $35 for the previews on Friday, May 27 at 8 a.m. and Saturday, May 28 at 2 p.m.; tickets for the remaining performances cost $50. For information and tickets, go to totempoleplayhouse.org/shows/always-patsy-cline/.
'The Beverly Hillbillies — the Musical'
Fridays and Saturdays, with matinees on the first, third and fifth Sunday of each month through Sunday, Aug. 21
Way Off Broadway Dinner Theatre
5 Willowdale Drive
Frederick, Md.
Based on the 1960s sitcom. Tickets cost $52, $42 for ages 12 and younger for Friday and Sunday performances; $55, $45 for ages 12 and younger for Saturday performances. Children ages 5 and younger are not permitted to Mainstage performances. For tickets, call 301-662-6600 or go to www.wayoffbroadway.com/.
Saturday, June 4
Art in the Library: Jefferson County Photography Club
Continues through Thursday, June 30; hours are 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Thursday; 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday; 1 to 5 p.m. Sunday
South Jefferson Public Library
49 Church St.
Summit Point, W.Va.
For information, call 304-725-6227 or go to www.sojeffersonlibrary.com.
Farm and Dairy Day
Saturday, June 4, and Sunday, June 5 - noon to 4 p.m.
Washington County Rural Heritage Museum
73131 Sharpsburg Pike
The Farm Museum showcases the progression of farming with various farm implements, dairy, orchard, butchering, butter making, cow milking and more. Museum One will feature a replica of the Thomas Farm. The Transportation Museum will offer tours. The Village will be open with demonstrators applying their crafts. Bentwood Smokers BBQ Food Truck, bake sale, ice cream, cheese vendors. The gift shop will be open. Free; donations appreciated. For information, call 240-420-1714 or go to https://www.ruralheritagemuseum.org/
Smithsburg Library Celebrates Smithsburg Days
Saturday, June 4 - 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Smithsburg Branch Library
66 W. Water St.
Books sale, story walk, storytime at 11:30 a.m., craft kits for children and a lecture series. Jefferson Boyer, president of Smithsburg Historical Society and Andrew Krieger, owner of the Christopher Smith House will give three mini presentations. The Lost History of Christopher Smith and how the town of Smithsburg came into existence, 10:30 a.m.; Secret Passages: Underground Railroad Activity in and Around Smithsburg, 11:30 a.m.; Adam Hildebrand Stocks Hist Store, understanding how general stores were community "hubs" in the pre-Civil War era, 11:30 a.m. Seating for the presentations is limited, call 301-824-7722 to register or register online.
Arts in the Park
Saturday, June 4 - 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Monterey Pass Battlefield Park and Museum
14325 Buchanan Trail East
Waynesboro, Pa.
Vendors, food and music by Mountain Air. Go to montereypassbattlefield.org or facebook.com/montereypass.
Bark in the Park
Saturday, June 4 - 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Jefferson Memorial Park
801 S. Mildred St.
Charles Town, W.Va.
Blessing of the Animals, canine demonstrations, dog and owner games, canine contests. Vendors include dog rescues, crafts, products and food. Proceeds benefit the homeless pets at the Animal Welfare Society shelter. Registration costs $10 donation per dog, which includes a doggy bandana and goody bag. Dogs must be current on vaccinations. Call 304-725-5972.
Saturday, June 4 - 5 to 9 p.m.
Milestone Farm
10702 Hopewell Road
During the Hawaiian-themed evening, attendees can bid on auction items donated by individuals and businesses throughout the community, including gourmet dessert and wine packages, golf experiences, signed sports memorabilia, jewelry and more. Heavy hors d'oeuvres, drinks, music and dancing. Guests may also tour a private car museum owned by Don Bowman. $50 in advance; $60 at the door. Purchase tickets online or at the shelter on or before Friday, June 3, at hswcmd.networkforgood.com/events/40050-17th-annual-luhowl.
Native Plant Sale
Saturday, June 4 - 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Sunny Meadows Garden Center
7437 Sharpsburg Pike
Proceeds benefit The Monarch Alliance of Potomac Valley Audubon Society.
Saturday Night Bingo
Saturday, June 4 - doors open at 5 p.m.; early birds at 6:15 p.m.
Community Volunteer Fire Co. of District 12
18002 Tilghmanton Road
Food will be sold. Regular games cost $25.
Red Heifer Winery Summer Music Series
Saturday, June 4 - 4 to 6 p.m.
Red Heifer Winery
12840 Red Heifer Winery Lane
Kerensa Gray will perform. For ages 21 and older. Call 301-824-5210 or go to Redheiferwinery.com.
Fishing Rodeo
Saturday, June 4 - 9 a.m.
Cushwa Basin
205 W. Potomac St.
Sponsored by Williamsport Rotary Club for ages 3 to 15. Call 304-279-1209.
Sunday, June 5
Fayetteville Volunteer Fire Department Carnival
Through Saturday, June 11
Carnival Grounds
101 W. Main St.
Fayetteville, Pa.
Rides, food and music. Sunday, June 5, The Hubcaps; Monday, June 6, Road Ducks; Tuesday, June 7, Jill Fulton Band; Wednesday, June 8, Amish Outlaws; Thursday, June 9, Stick Time; Friday, June 10, Hit Parade; Saturday, June 11, Cash Unchained, Johnny Cash Tribute Band. Free entry and parking.
Spring Bingo
Sunday, June 5 - doors open, 10:30 a.m.; meal at 11:30 a.m.; bingo at 1 p.m.
South Mountain Volunteer Fire Department
11207 Loop Road
South Mountain, Pa.
There will be seven large prizes. $30 per person, includes game cards and meal. 144 tickets will be sold. Proceeds benefit South Mountain Volunteer Fire Department. For tickets or information, call 717-749-5733.
Red Heifer Winery Summer Music Series
Sunday, June 5 - 4 to 6 p.m.
Red Heifer Winery
12840 Red Heifer Winery Lane
Ted Casper will perform. For ages 21 and older. Call 301-824-5210 or go to Redheiferwinery.com.
Pen Mar Dance Concerts
Sunday, June 5 - 2 to 5 p.m.
Pen Mar Park
14600 Pen Mar Road
Back to Back will perform. Call 240-313-2807.
Red Run Park Concert Series
Sunday, June 5 - 1 to 4 p.m.
Red Run Park
12143 Buchanan Trail East
Waynesboro, Pa.
Guilford Station Boys will perform. Bring a chair. The Red Run Express runs Saturdays and Sundays from 1 to 4 p.m. in June, July and August, if volunteers are available.
Monday, June 6
McCauley Lecture Series: The Great Hagerstown Fair: A Walk Down the Midway
Monday, June 6 - 7 p.m.
Alice Virginia & David W. Fletcher Branch Library
Community Room 308/309
100 S. Potomac St.
Raymond Holton will discuss the Great Hagerstown Fair. For information, go to www.washcolibrary.org.
Tuesday, June 7
Medieval Night
Tuesday, June 7 - 7 to 8:30 p.m.
Christ Reformed United Church of Christ
304 E. German St.
Shepherdstown, W.Va.
See and talk with re-enactors in medieval garb displaying arts and crafts and pieces from daily medieval life. A demonstration of the fighting arts will be held outside on the church lawn. There will be a joint presentation of the Shire of Sylvan Glen, Kingdom of Aethelmarc, and the Barony of Highland Foorde, Kingdom of Atlantia, Society for Creative Anachronism. Call 304-876-3569 or go to www.christreformedshepherdstown.org.
Wednesday, June 8
Myersville and Middletown Lions Clubs Charity Golf Tournament
Wednesday, June 8 - 1 p.m. shotgun start
Musket Ridge Golf Club
3555 Brethren Church Road
Myersville, Md.
The hole-in-one prize is a new Honda Accord with additional prizes for the other par three holes. Proceeds from the tournament support local charities including Middletown Food Bank, People Helping People, preschool eye-screening and more. Call 301-371-5716 or go to www.e-clubhouse.org/sites/middletownmd.
'A Damaged Friendship: McClellan and Burnside's 1862 Correspondence'
Wednesday, June 8 - 7 p.m.
Jacob Rohrbach Inn
138 W. Main St.
Darin Wipperman will discuss "A Damaged Friendship: McClellan and Burnside's 1862 Correspondence." For updates and a complete schedule, go to www.facebook.com/JacobRohrbachInn or call 301-432-5079.
Walking for Wellness: Series of Appalachian Trail day hikes
Meet at U.S. 40 parking lot to Washington Monument State Park
Wednesday, June 8 - 9 a.m.
Maryland Department of Natural Resources will lead a series of hikes in the South Mountain Recreation Area. The hike will go from U.S. 40 parking lot to Washington Monument State Park. 5.8 miles round trip. Bring snacks/lunch, plenty of water, sunscreen and insect repellent, and wear comfortable walking shoes. For information, call 301-791-4767.
Thursday, June 9
2022 Toni Saylor Summer Concert Series
Thursday, June 9 - 7 to 8:30 p.m.
War Memorial Park
500 N. Tennessee Ave.
Martinsburg, W.Va.
The Reflex will perform. Go to mbcparks-rec.org.
This article originally appeared on The Herald-Mail: Big bands, lectures, wineries, carnivals, fishing around Hagerstown
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