What to Watch: MTV tries true crime with Unlocking the Truth
Your daily guide to the most interesting stuff happening on TV and streaming. All times Eastern.
Unlocking the Truth
MTV, 11 p.m.
The latest in a wave of shows exploring the criminal justice system, this new docuseries follows Ryan Ferguson (whose own wrongful murder conviction was overturned after he’d spent 10 years in prison) as he tries to bring justice to three other potentially innocent prisoners. Brendan Dassey and Adnan Syed might give it two thumbs up.
Mr. Robot
USA, 10 p.m.
Elliot and Mr. Robot try to make nice. But hopefully not too quickly — they’ve got a third season to fill, after all.
Any Given Wednesday With Bill Simmons
CBS, 11:35 p.m.
Tonight, Simmons hosts a trio of dudes: Jonah Hill (star of Sausage Party), former Obama speechwriter Jon Favreau (who hosts the Keepin’ It 1600 podcast), and critic Wesley Morris (of the New York Times).