Trevor Noah, Stephen Colbert, and Seth Meyers Slam Republican Health Care Bill

The biggest story out of Washington this week was the passage on Thursday by the U.S. House of Representatives of the Republicans’ American Health Care Act. Trumpcare, as some are calling it, has met with fierce criticism. Late-night television was all over this story, and guess what? They hate it!
In his Late Show monologue Thursday night, Stephen Colbert mocked White House chief of staff Reince Priebus. “One reporter ran into Reince Priebus, who told her, ‘The president stepped up and helped punt the ball into the end zone,’” Colbert recounted. “Yes, a punt into the end zone. Accurate, because it gets you zero points and gives your opponent good field position.”
On Late Night, Seth Meyers was pointed and extremely critical in his “A Closer Look” segment, using House Speaker Paul Ryan’s own words against him. “Republicans are lying through their teeth about the impacts of the bill and premiums and pre-existing conditions and are hoping nobody will catch them because there’s no CBO score, and until last night, there was no text,” said Meyers. “Americans are being conned, and there will be consequences for the people doing the conning. But don’t take it from me, take it from this guy.” He then showed a clip of Ryan from 2010 where he warned, “What people are going to get is not what they think they are getting based on the rhetoric that was used to sell this health care bill.”
We’ll give the last word to The Daily Show’s Trevor Noah. He called out President Trump for breaking promises he made during his campaign and even as recently as last month. Noah showed a montage of Trump’s remarks about the Republicans’ health care plan:
“Everybody’s got to be covered, everybody’s going to be taken care of, much better than they’re taken care of now.” (Sept. 27, 2015, on 60 Minutes)
“We’re going to have great plans. They’re going to be much less expensive.” (Feb. 17, 2016, during a town hall on MSNBC)
“Preexisting conditions are in the bill, and I mandated it. I said it has to be.” (April 30, 2017, on Face the Nation)
“You’ll get your doctor, you’ll get everything that you want to get. It’ll be unbelievable.” (Feb. 18, 2016, during a town hall on CNN)
The camera cut back to Noah, who simply shook his head and said, “Yeah, Donald Trump is right. What happened today was f***ing unbelievable.”
Watch: The Top 5 President Trump Punch Lines of the Week
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