Tom Holland Dances on the 'Spider-Man: Homecoming' Set in New Instagram Post

We already know that Spider-Man: Homecoming’s Tom Holland has trampoline skills that put his Avengers teammate Chris Hemsworth to shame. And we also know that he and co-star Zendaya were more than up to the Typo YouTube challenge. But now, we have definitive proof that when it comes to dancing, no one can match Marvel’s new Spider-Man for sheer floor-spinning, hip-shaking moves.
Yeah but @therussobrothers can Thanos do THIS?
A video posted by Jon Watts (@jnwtts) on Sep 11, 2016 at 1:00pm PDT
In a new video (watch it above) posted to director John Watts’ Instagram page, we see a CGI-rendered Spider-Man who definitely thinks he can dance. It’s a small snippet captured on a screen — but then Watts’ camera pans up to show us what else is going on: Holland performing the sequence himself while wearing a motion-capture suit on the set of Spider-Man: Homecoming.
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Watts calls out his Marvel directing compatriots Joe and Anthony Russo in the post, asking “Yeah but @therussobrothers can Thanos do THIS?” — a clear reference to the recent snapshot of Josh Brolin (aka Thanos) hanging out in his own motion-capture outfit while prepping for Avengers: Infinity War. And whether or not Spidey and Thanos ever have a big-screen dance-off, we can be sure that, at least from a technical point of view, Holland’s moves are superior to those of Toby Maguire, as seen in Spider-Man 3’s polarizing dance sequence.
Spider-Man: Homecoming climbs into theaters on July 7, 2017.