Survivor Recap: Targets Are Set, but Which One Was Deemed the Biggest Threat?
Managing one’s threat level has long become one of the cruxes of a well-played Survivor game. In Wednesday’s episode, however, two players lost all control of their competition’s perceptions, leaving a majority of five laser-focused on getting them out.
So were Genevieve and Kyle able to survive the night? And was anybody able to rein in Sue after Gabe’s not-so-surprising exit? Let’s recap.
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Being the only person left out of a vote is enough to get anybody’s goat, so Sue is understandably peeved about Gabe joining the jury. Though, I’d argue she might be even madder that her nemesis Kyle is still left in the game. (Why, exactly, is he her chosen adversary? WHO KNOWS?!) Caroline knows she has damage control to do with Sue, and it seems she’s able to smooth things over, at least for now. Sue does have her red paint idol, we’re reminded, and a freshly agreed upon alliance with Rachel, Andy and Teeny. Word by the watercooler water well is that the other three have to be the next to go. But in which order should they be booted?
Meanwhile, Genevieve, Kyle and Sam are weighing their options, knowing they’re on the outs. They’re all massive targets, and there doesn’t seem to be anything they can do to diminish their threat-level… unless they can somehow convince someone that a different plan is the better plan.
JOURNEY | A boat arrives to pick up one player and after a rock draw, that person is Rachel. She does it mostly to prevent Sam from getting an advantage, which is a solid strategy, but also a hefty risk. (No one ever believes the story the returnee tells, even if it’s the truth!) When she arrives to a barge in the middle of the ocean, it’s a puzzle that has her lining up the same color balls together. But: She has to do it before four weights and their ropes fall into the ocean and pull the game — and her potential advantage! — into the ocean. She completes the task with only seconds to spare before the entire contraption is aggressively thrusted into the sea. The advantage: She can anonymously block someone else’s vote at Tribal Council. Handy!
Let’s pause for a round of applause here. The way that puzzle was rigged up with the ropes was so creative and fun to watch. This particular setup was far more tense and thrilling to watch than sand falling in an hour glass. It was colorful, action-packed, different and looked great on camera. Props to the props team! Hats are off.
When Rachel gets back to camp, she lies to the three targets, telling them she lost her vote. But later, she tells Sue and Caroline the truth, which works wonders for her relationship with Sue. Easy enough. Sue’s most likely feeling vulnerable, so what a simple way to reel her in for the long haul.
But Genevieve isn’t going down without a fight. She feels Sue and Andy are great choices to bring to the end. From a strategic perspective, if she can eliminate these two (who she perceives are just being dragged to the end), it frees up two seats at the end. She makes the pitch to Rachel, but Rachel knows Kyle and Genevieve gotta go. Rachel squeals to Andy about what Genevieve said, and needless to say, he wants her GONE.
IMMUNITY IS BACK UP FOR GRABS | The challenge is the wobbly-table-letter-stack we’ve seen before. Towers fall… then fall again! (Shocker.) Rachel wins out in a nail-biting finish vs (who else?) Kyle. Will now be the time they finally take the shot?
STRATEGY | Sam tries to convince Teeny to consider a non-Kyle option, but she tells him straight-up that it’s a no-go. But Andy and Rachel fear Genevieve. Sure, Genevieve’s said Andy’s name a bunch, but Caroline doesn’t want to anger Sue by not voting for Kyle. Heading into Tribal, Andy vows to make everyone else see that his plan is the plan. (Fat chance, kid.)
THE TRIBE HAS SPOKEN | Sam expresses concerns over voting out all of the power players one after another, but Rachel argues it’s all about perspective. After all, what’s good for her game is most likely different from what’s best for Sam’s. Kyle, meanwhile, acknowledges his challenge prowess, but says there are other aspects of the game that he’s not excelled at. Some people, he says, have beasted their way to the Final 3 but didn’t win the million dollars. Jeff even backs that up with big facts.
Kyle maintains that he’s not going to roll over and die. He says they could still deliver a “crowd pleasing moment” that nobody would expect. (This Thanksgiving, we’re thankful for Kyle. A man of the people who wants nothing more than to put on a good show for us. Thanks to YOU, Kyle.) He may be grasping at straws, but he’s going out swinging!
And go out, he does. Zero advantages are played and Kyle hits that dusty trail with a good attitude and gratitude — the perfect Thanksgiving week boot! (Read our Q&A with Kyle here!)
Does Genevieve have any shot at surviving next week’s episode? It’s full tilt boogie time! Hit those comments with your thoughts.
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