'Supergirl' Stops Alien Fight Club

On Supergirl, we learned that the first rule of alien fight club is don’t let Supergirl find out about alien fight club. Unfortunately, this was a lesson that some aliens learned too late.
While Alex and her new cop friend were investigating an alien murder, they stumbled on an underground alien fight club. Alex called in Kara as backup, but when Supergirl showed up, she found herself one of the main attractions.
Kara had to fight a legendary alien warrior named Draaga, and he was no slouch. He actually beat her up pretty badly.
Kara got revenge, though, as the second time she met Draaga she used some inside information to hit him in his weak spot. She not only defeated Draaga, she also stopped the fight club — temporarily.
Apparently there are a lot of influential people on National City who like the alien fight club, so don’t be surprised if it pops up again in future episodes.
Supergirl airs Mondays at 8 p.m./7 p.m. CT on the CW.
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