Steve Harvey Schools Spelling Bee Champ on ‘Words From the Hood’

Steve Harvey brought back 7-year-old Akash Vukoti to Little Big Shots on Sunday. Akash is the youngest person to ever make it to the finals of the Scripps National Spelling Bee. Steve wanted to see what little Akash has been up to since he was on the show last, and — spoiler alert — he has been learning to spell more words.
While Akash can spell words many people have never heard of, Steve had a few words that stumped Akash. Steve pulled out the Harvey English Dictionary: Words From the Hood and quizzed Akash of some words. The first word was libala, and when Akash asked Steve the language of origin, he simply replied, “Black people.” To help Akash even further, Steve gave him libala in the sentence, “If you keep spinning that thing around, you libala put your eye out.”
Even though Akash spelled it wrong, Steve let him know it’s not as much about how you spell it, it’s more about you say it. Steve drove that point home when explaining how old people run words together. Steve said, “Regular people would say, ‘Set that there down there,’ but old people, they ain’t got time for that, so they run ‘Setdatdareritedairdownair!'”
It didn’t take Akash long to catch on, and when Steve gave him the word fitna, Akash quickly spouted out “F-I-T-N-A!”
Little Big Shots airs Sundays at 8 p.m. on NBC. Watch clips and full episodes of Little Big Shots for free on Yahoo View.
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