Stephen Colbert and Trevor Noah roast Trump's Tulsa rally
Two days after President Trump’s Tulsa rally fell well short of expectations, late-night hosts had a field day with what some might perceive as a failure on the part of the Trump campaign, particularly on The Late Show With Stephen Colbert and The Daily Show With Trevor Noah. It didn’t help that Trump and others in the campaign boasted that there had been nearly 1 million ticket requests.
After playing a clip of Trump saying, “We’ve never had an empty seat, and we certainly won’t in Oklahoma,” Colbert responded, while showing footage from the rally, “He’s right, there wasn’t an empty seat, there were thousands of them. Wow, that’s a lot of empty space and aimless mingling.”
Colbert also looked at the bright side of so few people showing up to the rally given that cases of the coronavirus are spiking in many states around the country, including Oklahoma.
“It was revealed today that two of his staff members who attended the Trump rally on Saturday have tested positive for the coronavirus,” Colbert said. “Wow, imagine how dangerous that would have been if people had shown up.”
Noah mocked those few who did show up for their thunderous applause after Trump, looking to put that embarrassing moment behind him when he used both hands to take a drink of water at the West Point graduation ceremony, demonstrated that he can indeed take a drink of water using only one hand.
After playing the clip of the crowd going wild after Trump took a drink with one hand then threw the glass aside, Noah joined in on the cheering. “Yeah! Woooh!” Noah yelled. “I’m proud to live in a country where the president can drink water with just one hand sometimes.”
Noah also shared his thoughts on Trump’s return to the White House after the rally. Trump exited Marine One looking dejected.
“I have never seen a person get out of a helicopter looking that sad,” Noah said. “He looks like he’s walking home from a wedding where he got stood up at the altar but still had to party because everything was non-refundable.”
Following the rally, it was reported that TikTok users and K-pop fans trolled the Trump campaign by requesting tickets with no intention of going, greatly inflating expectations, and Colbert had a message for those who took part.
“I wanna thank you from the bottom of my heart,” Colbert said, turning to the camera and making a heart with his fingers, “which I’m told this is in K-pop world, and I hope — I hope that’s not another prank.”
The Late Show With Stephen Colbert airs weeknights at 11:35 p.m. on CBS.
The Daily Show With Trevor Noah airs weeknights at 11 p.m. on Comedy Central.
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