“What We Do in the Shadows”: 7 juicy teases about the final season
Showrunner Paul Simms teases what's ahead for the Staten Island vampires in the final season of FX's "What We Do in the Shadows."
We’re going to need a lot of human alcohol beer to cope with the end of What We Do in the Shadows, which begins its 11-episode final season Monday, October 21 at 10 p.m. on FX. How will the Staten Island vampires say goodbye? Probably without any hugging or learning.
“We had a lot of conversations about how we wanted to handle it, and the main thing that we all agreed on was that we did not want to do a 'very special,' serious final season,” says showrunner Paul Simms. “We just concentrated on being funny. I finished editing three of the episodes and I think it's one of our best seasons yet. But who wouldn't say that in a conversation like this?”
Hey, at least he's honest. Still, if these seven teases Simms gave Entertainment Weekly are any indication, the final season of WWDITS might just live up to the hype.
Guillermo grows up
Yes, Guillermo (Harvey Guillén) is human again, but “there’s no way he could go back to being a familiar,” explains Simms. "He realized his dream of becoming a vampire, even though it was only for about an hour and a half." This season, the former familiar realizes “he has to move out of the Vampire Mansion, get his own place, and restart the normal-world life that he left behind.”
Nadja clocks in
Russ Martin/FX
Natasia Demetriou in 'What We Do in the Shadows'Guillermo may think he's ready to flee the nest, but the other vampires aren't so sure. "They follow him out into the real world so he can never quite get away from them," says Simms. "There’s some very fun stuff about Guillermo working in a normal office the way normal people do, but Nadja and Nandor also show up to help him out."
If you're wondering how Nadja (Natasia Demetriou) will adjust to the 9-to-5 life, take a look at the photo above. "Nadja’s always had a wish of being out among the humans more and getting to know their human ways," says Simms. "And in 'helping' Guillermo out at his new job in a regular workplace, she sort of is living her Working Girl fantasies of working in an office and dressing how she imagines a human in an office does, and making the kind of small talk she imagines that humans do."
Related: The Awardist: What We Do in the Shadows' Matt Berry on the scene that made him go weak in the knees
Nandor goes rogue
When he's not stalking Guillermo in the real world, Nandor (Kayvan Novak) finds other adventures to keep him busy. "We have two episodes that are homages to our favorite movies from the 1970s, and I won't say what one of them is, but Nandor disappears and goes basically up a river and is causing trouble," teases Simms. "The vampires are sent on a mission to go retrieve him before he can create more problems for the vampire establishment. And I'll leave it at that."
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Laszlo lords over his roommates
Russ Martin/FX
Harvey Guillén, Mark Proksch, Natasia Demetriou, Matt Berry, and Kayvan Novak in 'What We Do in the Shadows'A debate about what to do with Guillermo’s now-empty room under the stairs — “Nandor wants to use it for a workout area, and Laszlo [Matt Berry] wants to use it to store scientific research stuff,” explains Simms — leads the vampires to a massive discovery. Though they can’t use their powers of hypnosis on each other during waking hours, they can hypnotize a sleeping vampire. Which brings us to the photo above. “Lazslo has hypnotized them all to believe that he is the king of the house,” says Simms. “They're waiting on him and ordering him everything he wants from Amazon Prime, which he's just discovered.”
Colin Robinson expands his social circle
Russ Martin/FX
Matt Berry and Mark Proksch in 'What We Do in the Shadows'Colin (Mark Proksch) decides to assist Laszlo with his project in the basement laboratory — but he has an agenda. “Laszlo is returning to some research that he'd abandoned a long time ago. He can use cadaver parts and electricity to create a new man, who will be their new familiar,” says Simms. “Colin is helping him out, because he realized that the one thing he's always missed is having an actual friend. So, he wants to make a new friend — literally.”
The guest-star roster grows
In addition to the return of some fan favorites (including Guillermo's sire, Derek, played by Chris Sandiford), Simms says the show will continue its tradition of featuring notable guest stars. "In past seasons we focus so much on people who've played vampires before. This season, our main goal was to use our favorite, funniest people that for five years we've wanted to use," he explains. One such performer will play Laszlo's father, "or rather the ghost of Laszlo's father," Simms adds. "It's one of our favorite guest stars of all time."
Related: The 32 best vampire movies
Nandermo shippers, your time has (already) come
How will Nandor handle it when Guillermo moves out? While “Nandermo” shippers want Mr. The Relentless to reciprocate Guillermo’s love at long last, Simms sees things differently. “To me, Nandermo has been happening for six seasons. The love they have is so deep and powerful. It doesn't necessarily need to be consummated in a pornographic scene that some people on the internet seem to wish for,” he adds with a laugh.
Season 6 of What We Do in the Shadows premieres Monday, October 21 at 10 p.m. on FX.
A version of this story appears in EW's complimentary Comic-Con 2024 Preview print edition, being passed out in San Diego throughout the convention.
Read the original article on Entertainment Weekly.