‘Scandal’ Preview: Darby Stanchfield Teases What’s the Box

Plain old brown boxes have gotten quite the spotlight lately on Scandal — and there’s another one waiting for Abby in this week’s new episode. Ss star Darby Stanchfield teases, the contents will surprise everybody. Last week, Olivia Pope (Kerry Washington) watched footage of her father, Rowan (Joe Morton), opening up box after box and violently throwing them aside. Then it was revealed that the boxes contained bricks. Huh?
As Rowan explained later, a brick weighs the same amount as a certain object — and if you’ve ever seen the movie Se7ven, you know what Rowan was afraid of receiving. Thursday night, Abby opens her own box. So, what’s inside? “I don’t think it’s the same box that Rowan has been carrying around,” Stanchfield tells Yahoo TV with a wink. Her box contains “a whole different set of secrets.” And, hints the actress, those secrets come with a surprising price tag.
Scandal airs Thursdays at 9 p.m. on ABC. Watch clips and full episodes of Scandal for free on Yahoo View.Read More From Yahoo TV: