Ray Donovan Actor Steve 'Bean' Levy Dies at Age 58 After Battle with Nose Cancer
Steven Levy (a.k.a. Steve Bean), an actor who appeared in Ray Donovan, has died after a battle with nose cancer. He was 58.
Levy died on Jan. 21 at his home in Los Angeles, according to his obituary on Legacy.com.
At the end of 2016, Levy was diagnosed with “a rare and aggressive form of cancer called Sino-Nasal Squamous Cell Carcinoma. In English, I translated that to ‘Nose Cancer,’ ” he wrote in a personal essay for Mel Magazine.
In the piece, titled “My Year Without a Nose,” Levy detailed his cancer journey and treatment and revealed that he underwent a “schnozophomy. That’s Yiddish for rhinectomy, which is English for cutting your nose off.”
Concluding his 2018 essay, Levy — who later had a prosthetic nose — revealed that doctors told him he had up to one year to live.
“If you’re keeping track at home, I’ve now lost my nose, my tear ducts, my upper palate and gums, all but four of my teeth, my appetite, my right cheekbone, much of my right jawbone, much of my right cheek, my eyebrows and moustache (chemo), the feeling in my upper lip (surgery), most of the motor control of the right side of my face (surgery) and some hearing in each ear (chemo). I also lost about 40 pounds, and worst of all, I lost my sense of humor,” wrote Levy.
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“All of that physical stuff ain’t ever coming back. Luckily, my sense of humor came back about a month ago,” he continued. “Not a moment too soon either: The latest scans show yet another recurrence of the cancer. The doctors tell me I have nine to twelve months to live.”
Born April 27, 1960 in Lynn, Massachusetts, Levy attended Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and went on to work as an actor, comedian and writer.
In addition to appearing on Ray Donovan, the Screen Actors Guild-AFTRA and Writers Guild member’s television credits throughout the years included parts in Shameless, Days of Our Lives, Veronica Mars, Charmed and Married with Children, according to IMDb.
He is survived by his wife, Caroline Carrigan; his son, Jacob Randall Levy; and parents, Irwin and Dorothy Levy, among numerous other family members.
Variety first reported the news.
Donations can be made to the Cancer Support Community Pasadena at 76 E. Del Mar Blvd. #215, Pasadena, CA 91105.