President Donald Trump Tweetstorm – The Sunday Edition
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President Donald Trump offered congratulations and condolences in his tweetstorms over the last 24 hours. On the one hand, he saluted Joe Biden’s South Carolina primary victory. On the other, he shed some crocodile tears over the fates of billionaires Tom Steyer and Michael Bloomberg, who fared less well.
The Commander-in-Tweet has the luxury of sitting on the sidelines and observing the chaos of the Democratic primaries, where no clear frontrunners have emerged. He’s even looking ahead and musing whether the candidates who have or may drop out will support the party with donations, given their crash and burns. And he had some harsh words for “consultants” who are clearly the hogs at the trough when it comes to advice to the candidates.
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The President did have one happy note, giving a shout-out to Sammy’s Mexican Grill in Phoenix. The proprietors have received backlash for supporting the President at a Feb. 19 rally, receiving threats and negative restaurant reviews after a screen-grad circulated showing the owners standing behind President Trump at the rally.
We’ll add more communications as they roll in. The tweetstorm so far:
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