Here Is Your Much-Needed Explainer On "The Batman" Post-Credits Scene
2 min read
This weekend, the highly anticipated The Batman hit theaters and captivated audiences!
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I watched the film for the plot, aka Zo? Kravitz on the same screen as a clowder of cats.
And I, for one, enjoyed all 176 of the minutes Matt Reeves blessed us with.
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And you know what? I could watch 176 more minutes!
ICYMI, Matt Reeves took a page out of the MCU playbook and gifted us with a post-credits scene. And no, not the ~veiled~ hint that the Joker could make an appearance in the next film...
Anonymous prisoner: What is it they say? One day you're on top, the next, you're a clown. Well let me tell ya, there are worse things to be...Don't be sad! You did so well. And you know, Gotham loves a comeback story. Riddler: Who are you?Anonymous prisoner: Well, that's the question, isn't it? Riddle me this: the less of them you have, the more one is worth.Riddler: A friend.
...but rather, the blink-and-you-miss-it Easter egg left in the film:
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In this scene, there's a quick flash of a URL: If you click on it, you're led to a site that mimics the one Riddler sets up in the film.
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A reddit user — u/vengence22 — was able to crack one of the first codes you see on the site. They all correlate to important dates that are canon to Batman:
After that, you're brought to this landing page:
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When you click for the reward, you're brought to another cypher that appears to have been cracked by Twitter user @itsmtf:
"You think I'm finished but perhaps you don't know the full truth. Every ending is a new beginning."
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PERHAPS we are 46% of the way to finding out what that new beginning is...??
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Needless to say, I will be checking the site daily for updates!
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