Meghan Markle has not been replaced by a robot — or has she?
Meghan Markle is a duchess, not a robot.
A clip making the rounds on the interwebs has people speculating that the newly minted Duchess of Sussex has been replaced by … a robot. The footage is from the Britain’s Got Talent finale earlier this month and it is kind of creepy. Meghan, are you in there?
Of course, people think — or rather joke — the royal family is to blame ’cause the 92-year-old queen has nothing better to do than (1) convince an American actress to marry her grandson, (2) have them marry in front of a crazy high viewing audience, and then (3) make her disappear only to replace her with artificial intelligence. Nobody would notice, right?
this just in: the royal family killed off meghan markle and replaced her with a robot
— kou boo boo the fool (@zhangbangs) June 12, 2018
And Sophia the Robot is pissed.
I swear, if I see one more person compare Meghan Markle to Sophia The Robot, I’m going to snap
— Sophia The Robot Official Fan Page (@WeStanSophia) June 12, 2018
What’s the real story? Well, the queen is innocent, y’all. Madame Tussauds London was behind the whole thing. The wax meisters were promoting their new “Live Figures” exhibit in Fundon. (The company debuted Prince Harry and Meghan’s official statues ahead of their wedding last month.) So as a PR gimmick, the company sent “Harry and Meghan” to sit in the audience of Britain’s Got Talent, but they were just a couple of audience members wearing masks. It was like Halloween in June — not a Suits star starring in a real-life version of Her.
EEK! Did you spot our very own Prince Harry and Meghan on #BGT? Coming VERY soon to #MadameTussaudsLondon! #BritainsGotTalent #BGTFinal
— Madame Tussauds (@MadameTussauds) June 3, 2018
Yes, it was just a gimmick to try to get people to go stare at a bunch of fake celebrity statues. And Christian here can’t believe people fell for it.
This is for everyone who actually believed that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were turned into robots ?♀? #waxfigures #duh
— Christian Hillis (@_ChrisElizabeth) June 12, 2018
Or was it?
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