‘Master of None’: Dev’s Breakup and More Things to Remember About Season 1

Master of None is back for a second season, and in case you forgot where the hit Netflix series left off, Yahoo TV put together a catchup guide for your viewing pleasure, “just like that.”
We last saw Dev (played by Aziz Ansari) as the 30-year-old hopeless romantic, navigating life and love in New York City. At the end of Season 1, he had broken up with Rachel when she declared that their chance of ending up together forever was at 70 percent instead of 100. But at least Dev still had his career going, right? Well, not exactly. His scenes were totally cut out of the final version of the fictional film, The Sickening.
Check out the video to see what else happened at the end of Season 1 and where Dev ended up. (Hint: It’s not in New York City.)
Master of None Season 2 premieres May 12 on Netflix.
Watch: Aziz Ansari Reads Crazy Yelp Reviews on the Tonight Show.
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