Man Claims Fiancée Has Punched, Kicked, And Bitten Him – But He ‘Loves Her To Death’
Jeremy says his fiancée, Victoria, is the “most beautiful woman” he’s ever met and he is completely in love with her. However, the young man claims Victoria also has a “dark side.”
“In the past eight months, there’s been a lot of physical violence,” Jeremy says. “She’s punched me, she’s kicked me, she’s scratched me, bitten me. She’s given me black eyes, hit me in the nose.” Jeremy also says that Victoria slapped a cup he was drinking out of and chipped his tooth. “One time, she was having such a big rage fit that she got my PlayStation; she smashed it off a third story balcony.”
Jeremy admits he has hit Victoria – but claims it was in self-defense. “After attacking me for a while, I had to get up and finally defend myself. I got up and hit her back, and it left her a black eye for almost three weeks,” he says. “I love her to death. There’s just a couple things that need to get worked on, and if we can get through it, we’ll be all right; we’ll be great.”
On Monday’s episode of Dr. Phil, hear from Victoria. What does she say about her behavior? Is she ready to change? Check here to see where you can watch.