Listen to Japandroids’ New Song “D&T”

Japandroids’ David Prowse and Brian King, photo by Dan Monick

Japandroids have shared the second single from their forthcoming final album. The new song, “D&T,” follows lead single “Chicago.” Listen to the new track below.

“D&T” and “Chicago” are on the new album Fate & Alcohol. The full thing comes out on October 18. Discussing the story behind “D&T” in a press release, Japandroids guitarist and vocalist Brian King said:

We had been on the road for a year and a half, and the plan was to wrap up our riot of indulgence with a four-night stand in Philly. We arrived early, exhausted and disheveled, voices shot, hearts parched, and while we had every intention of easing into it, someone inevitably called all-hands-to-the-bar and away we went. One before-breakfast eye-opener turned into two and pretty soon I was pleasantly jingled. With soundcheck still hours away, I decided that a walk was in order and slipped outside under the guise of a cigarette. Half a block later, I was stopped by an intangible stranger who politely remarked that he had seen plenty of drinkin’ Johnnies and cokey Joes aimlessly exploring the streets of Philadelphia, but I took the cake. He prescribed Jesus and water, which I solemnly acknowledged. Sheepishly, I returned to my stool and upon seeing my reflection in the mirror behind the bar became wistful and started writing.

Revisit the 2016 interview “Synths! Ballads! Acoustic Guitars! Welcome to Japandroids 2.0.”

Originally Appeared on Pitchfork