These 17 Moments Made John Cena's Character In "The Suicide Squad"

The latest movie to come out of DC's stable, The Suicide Squad, brought back some characters from Suicide Squad and introduced us to a battery of new characters. One of them was the Peacemaker, portrayed on screen by John Cena.

4 humans and a shark-man standing on a beach
Warner Bros. Pictures

Peacemaker first appeared in 1966 as a character from Charlton Comics. When DC later acquired them, Peacemaker went into DC's bag.

A man wearing a helmet

In the comics, Peacemaker's best known alter ego is Christopher Smith who was born to an Austrian industrialist later revealed to be a Nazi war criminal. Christopher Smith witnessed his father committing suicide and was affected by mental trauma.

Warner Bros. Pictures

John Cena described his character as "a loud obnoxious bro-ey douchebag".

A man wearing a bucket like helmet pointing gun at someone.

During the first few days of shooting, Cena was trying to be like Lee Ermey from Full Metal Jacket and that's when James Gunn stopped him. "Stop, that's not who this guy is. He's like a douchey, bro-ey Captain America", was Gunn's advice. And Cena latched on to that.

Warner Bros. Pictures

Let's take a look at some of the best moments of Peacemaker in the movie The Suicide Squad.

1.Peacemaker usually behaves like a school kid who is trying hard to be at the top of the class.

A man walking in prison clothes
Warner Bros. Pictures

2.And he's sarcastic.

Two prisoners and a woman looking discussing
Warner Bros. Pictures

3.Perhaps something we all can relate to.

Two prisoners and a woman looking at something
Warner Bros. Pictures

4.And he's observant.

A man taking notes
Warner Bros. Pictures

5.Peacemaker's commitment to preserving peace can apparently make him eat male genitalia.

Two men arguing in a forest
Warner Bros. Pictures

6.This reminds you of Lt Col Kilgore's famous line about napalm from Apocalypse Now.

A man saying something.
Warner Bros. Pictures

7.He wears the best costume to fight in: tighty whities.

3 men standing.
Warner Bros. Pictures

8.His obsession with peace is really gruesome.

4 people sitting and talking
Warner Bros. Pictures

9.This was one of the morbidly funny scenes — Cena hacks the sleeping guy as if cutting a moist dough.

A man hacking a sleeping person with an axe
Warner Bros. Pictures

10."Ahh, nothing to see here. Just causally picking my nose while I massacre a camp of resistance fighters."

A man picking his nose while his teammate looks on.
Warner Bros. Pictures

11.Who said no one likes a show off?

A man chatting with another man.
Warner Bros. Pictures

12.Peacemaker is a team player. More on that later.

A man saying something.
Warner Bros. Pictures

13.And an awkward-but-cute dancer as well.

A man and woman dancing in a club with other people.
Warner Bros. Pictures

14.His desperate attempt to drive the van through the hole was hilarious.

A man's arm sticking out of a large hole
Warner Bros. Pictures

15.Now you know what his helmet means.

A man wearing a bucket like helmet.
Warner Bros. Pictures

16.Peacemaker can be nasty when it comes to protecting peace. Team spirit can take a hike.

A man pointing a gun at his teammate.
Warner Bros. Pictures

17.Peacemaker doesn't take prisoners.

A man pointing a gun at someone lying on the floor.
Warner Bros. Pictures