The internet reactions Kellyanne Conway calling Trump 'commander of cheese' are as glorious as you'd expect
Kellyanne Conway has made a laughable mistake or two since entering the White House with the Trump administration – who can forget the great “couchgate” of 2017? The counselor to the president did manage to get past her etiquette flub, but her latest debacle may take a bit more time, thanks to the internet.
Conway appeared on CNN’s New Day to talk about a truly polarizing scandal, President Trump disinviting the Philadelphia Eagles NFL team to the White House this week. While referring to the president, however, Conway slipped up: She called Trump the “commander of cheese” rather than commander in chief.
I am literally dead now. Kellyanne Conway just called Trump "the Commander of Cheese"
— Tommy Christopher (@tommyxtopher) June 6, 2018
Conway’s defense of the president’s decision and stance with the NFL — expected yet still controversial — was quickly overshadowed by her mistake. The internet quickly latched on to Trump’s new title: Both #commanderofcheese and #commandercheese began trending on Twitter.
The reactions were hilariously glorious.
Kellyanne Conway's mid-term slogan: #CommanderCheese is Making America Grate Again.
— jam?é b?nd (@Jams_Bond) June 6, 2018
But he’s not a Gouda President #CommanderOfCheese
— My Name Is James (@_JamesGtfo) June 6, 2018
Kellyanne Conway will blame her #CommanderOfCheese comment on Ambien
— Hümper Dü (@HumperDu) June 6, 2018
Is the #CommanderCheese up yet ?
— Castmaster (@littleimpressio) June 6, 2018
A day in the life of the #CommanderOfCheese
— Bob (@xsstringer) June 6, 2018
I like cheese, but I'm not fondue the #CommanderOfCheese
— Abbie Nonamous (@Abbie_Nonamous) June 6, 2018
#commanderofcheese #CommanderCheese this is such a waste of good mac and cheese, but oh well. #Trump you cheese headed clown.
— TYWIN LANNISTER (FAN ACCOUNT) (@TywinResists) June 6, 2018
Kellyanne Conway just called trump the Commander of Cheese.
I'll just leave this here.#commanderofcheese
— BrooklynDad_Defiant! (@mmpadellan) June 6, 2018
#commanderofcheese is a perfect name for the orange idiot. Thank you @KellyannePolls for one honest comment.
— Alan (@aljoankarns) June 6, 2018
He's a muenster. He doesn't know jack. He can't brie reasoned with, and for the gouda the country, we have to find a whey to get rid of him. #CommanderOfCheese
— Ward Q. Normal (@WardQNormal) June 6, 2018
Oh, Kellyanne Conway.
In any other job on the planet, you would have been fired on your first day.
Instead, Trump keeps you around… and we get nuggets like #CommanderCheese.— ??Dirk McQuickly H.B.?? (@MrDirkMcQuickly) June 6, 2018
#CommanderCheese by far the worst character McDonald's ever created.
— Vitamin D (@YourDayHasCome) June 6, 2018
All Hail our Commander of Cheese – The Biggest Rat on the Ship #commanderofcheese #CommanderCheese
— Jim Wright (@JWr1ghtBra1n) June 6, 2018
Cheezy and Yeezy is my new favorite sitcom#CommanderOfCheese
— Nikko Bellini (@NikkoBellini) June 6, 2018
Norhing but respect for my #CommanderOfCheese
— Ol' Dirty Pixel (@pixelkitties) June 6, 2018
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