How to Comfort a Loser: Wayne Brady on Hosting ‘Let’s Make a Deal’
SuperFan TV’s own Cynthia LuCiette gets a behind the scenes look at Let’s Make a Deal from host Wayne Brady, announcer Jonathan Mangum, model Tiffany Coyne, and executive producer Mike Richards.
Brady admits that his improvisational skills got him this hosting gig, because he’s in the middle of a huge crowd with no script, while Jonathan Mangum confesses that his persona on the show actually began as an impression of what he thought an announcer sounded like.
‘Let’s Make a Deal’ Contestant Tips!
SuperFan TV’s own Cynthia LuCiette gets the inside scoop on how to be a contestant on Let’s Make a Deal. In a series of tips from the contestants themselves, as well as the show’s costume department, Cynthia learns how to win big on Let’s Make a Deal.
If you want to have as much fun as Cynthia, you can get tickets to be on the show! Go to for FREE tickets for a taping between now and mid-September 2016.
If Donald Trump Dressed Up for 'Let’s Make a Deal’…
Wayne Brady and the costumed contestants speculate about what kind of ensemble the Republican nominee for President, Donald J. Trump, would wear to the game show. Unsurprisingly, most of the suggested costumes were less than flattering.
Let’s Make a Deal airs weekdays on CBS.