The Heroes in 'Jedi: Fallen Order' Will Have to Survive the Darkest Time in 'Star Wars' History

Star Wars is home to some of the most beloved characters ever invented. From Solo to the Skywalkers, the colorful cast is in large part the reason why the series has become such a mainstay in our culture. And now, we're just under a week away from the release of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. While we’ve learned some information about the game's heroes and villains, it's all still extremely cryptic, and the rumors are a little tough to keep straight.
What we know is that with Fallen Order's brand new story comes the same old formula, so we’re likely getting additions to the galaxy in the form of a pilot, a droid, a mentor, and a young hero. But the story puts the characters in a much darker and more dangerous time than we’ve seen from the series so far, testing their group dynamic in a new way—meaning there’s a lot of updated lore and character development to look forward to.
To help you become one with the Force, we’ve put together a little glossary of who’s who in one of the bleakest times in Star Wars history, during the events of Fallen Order.
Cal Kestis
A Padawan and Force-sensitive being—and the main protagonist of the story, played by Cameron Monaghan of Shameless fame—Cal survived both the Clone Wars and Palpatine's Order 66, in which the Empire eliminated the Jedi to bring about the fall of the Order. While Cal's past still remains somewhat of a mystery, two things are clear: This guy is yet to finish his Jedi training, so he is still relatively unpracticed, and he’s had a rough upbringing.
The steadfast droid companion—it wouldn't be Star Wars without one. Not only is this guy one of the most adorably designed droids we’ve seen in the Star Wars franchise, but it's also safe to assume he’s going to kick some major ass. BD-1 is an agile and quick little bugger, something we haven't seen from many droids yet. He's here to make the journey a little less lonely for Cal, and to help do droid things like open doors and extract information.
Greez, voiced by Daniel Roebuck, is the steadfast pilot getting you across the galaxy in his ship, the Stinger Mantis. He gives off a sort of Rocket Raccoon vibe—light-hearted, comedic, and rough around the edges. Greez promises to be a fan favorite, and he’d better be with the amount of time you’ll be spending with this alien pilot.
The Rebel mentor to Cal is named Cere. She appears to be one of the Rebel force's beacons of hope, helping to keep the crew positive in this remarkably dark time. Cere is portrayed by Debra Wilson, who is known for her work in Avatar and on Mad TV. She believes reforming the Jedi Order is the key to stopping the Empire.
Saw Gerrera
A much younger and less robotic version of Forest Whitaker's character as seen in Rogue One and the Clone Wars will join the group in Fallen Order. Whitaker is even reprising his role, so these stories will be a real treat. Gerrera normally sports robotic legs and breathing tubes, like in Rogue One. It’s not totally clear how large of a role he has in this game's plot, but it's exciting to see a longtime favorite appear, whether he be a cameo or a main character.
The Second Sister
The Second Sister is a member of the villainous Inquisitorius, a group trained by Darth Vader and last seen in the Star Wars Rebels animated series. While not much is known about this big baddie's real identity, her involvement with the Inquisitors proves she’s Force-sensitive and highly skilled with a lightsaber, and out for blood. So far, she looks remarkably powerful with an incredible handle on the Force, so beware.
The Ninth Sister
The Ninth Sister had one of her eyes cauterized by Darth Vader. She's mean. She's huge. And she wields a spinning, double-bladed lightsaber. Part of the Inquisitorius brigade of vengeful Jedi-hunting bad guys along with the Second Sister, Number Nine looks to be a main antagonist in Fallen Order. And based on the demo footage so far, we wouldn't be surprised if she ends up chopped in half by the end of this game.
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