Flight Risk Trailer Shows Off Bald Mark Wahlberg
Mark Wahlberg is the pilot transporting a dangerous prisoner in Flight Risk, which just got its first trailer.
The surprising thing isn’t that the prisoner is played by the mild-mannered Topher Grace from Spider-Man 3 and That ‘70s Show, but that Whalberg’s gone ahead with a bold hairstyle.
What’s under his cap? In the absence of hair, nothing at all. It’s a look we’ve not seen from the usually well-groomed leading man. Hopefully it grows back soon seeing as the Uncharted 2 movie is now in development, confirms Sony.
His character has a lot more pressing matters than male pattern baldness, however. Sitting behind him is the key witness in a murder trial, who’s being flown to testify against a dangerous mob family.
Wouldn’t you know it, however. There’s a twist. Wahlberg’s pilot isn’t exactly who he says he is. In fact, it’s him who’s the flight risk, not the prisoner. And what’s worse is he’s the only one who knows how to fly the plane.
Flight Risk, starring Mark Wahlberg, Topher Grace and Michelle Dockery, soars into theaters October 18.