The Fleetwood Mac 'Dreams'-iassance Is Upon Us, Thanks to a Viral TikTok
Fleetwood Mac's 1977 seminal classic "Dreams" is—how do I say this in musically technical terms?—a certified bop. This is an undisputed fact. From the opening drum lick to the buttery chorus, it's arguably the band's best known U.S. single (yeah, "Landslide," I said it). That's why here in 2020, 43 years removed from its initial release, "Dreams" is having a resurgence. A Dreamsaissance, if you will.
This particular rise of "Dreams" can be traced to the viral TikTok video uploaded by user "420DoggFace208." In a year full of hate, vitriol, and unadulterated bullshit, Nathan Apodaca—can I call you Dogg instead?—embodies life's fleeting simplicities. Just a man, presumably high on equal parts life and marijuana (see the #420souljahz hashtag), sipping on a bottle of OceanSpray Cran-Razz as he skateboards along lip synching to "Dreams." The 15-second video only conjures one feeling: damn, why isn't that me?
I know I'm not alone in that feeling because the clip has been watched over 22 million times. Dogg is just gliding along one of America's fine roadways, vibing with the bliss that can be yours with only a skateboard, a Spotify account, and a $2.89 bottle of fruit juice cocktail.
This beautiful moment was so influential that it caused "Dreams" to chart again on the Billboard charts. It currently sits at 29. The explosion of the video even led the band to tweet out their appreciation to Dogg on Saturday. And now, in the ultimate nod from the band, Mick Fleetwood joined TikTok to recreate the video himself. We have done nothing to deserve this miracle, and yet, Fleetwood giveth anyway.
Moments like these are, no pun intended, fleeting. We owe it to Apodaca, Fleetwood, and the whole genre of autumn music to keep it going. Give me a "Tusk" revival. Let me see what you can do with "Never Going Back Again." I'm going to grab my favorite bottle of fruit juice cocktail (I'm a White Cranberry Peach man, myself), hop on an electric scooter while listening to "Rihannon," and embrace the next beautiful fall day that comes through. Let the cranberry hit you as it will.
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