Donald Trump Reminds Fox News Viewers of Rape Allegation Against Bill Clinton (Video)
Donald Trump reminded Fox News viewers on Wednesday night that former President Bill Clinton was once accused of rape.
The presumptive GOP nominee escalated his rhetoric against Hillary Clinton’s husband after host Sean Hannity began railing against a recent New York Times article about Trump’s treatment of women. Hannity called the article a “hit piece,” and said three women have “completely debunked” it by going public that they’re “absolutely livid at The New York Times.”
Hannity openly pondered if the Times will interview Juanita Broaddrick, Paula Jones and Kathleen Willey regarding their claims that Bill sexually harassed them.
“In one case, it’s about exposure. In another case, it’s about groping and fondling and touching against a woman’s will,” Hannity said.
“And rape,” Trump interjected.
“And rape,” Hannity repeated.
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In 1999, Broaddrick, a former nursing home employee, accused Bill of raping her two decades earlier. The President’s attorney denied the allegations.
Trump also brought up Bill’s “impeachment for lying” before elaborating on his reaction to the Times story that questioned his character.
“I was so furious at that story because there’s nobody that respects women more than I do, Sean. You know that,” Trump said before hinting at a demand for a retraction. “We are already talking to The New York Times. The New York Times is very upset because it turned out to be a total con job. The piece was a con job.”
Also Read: 29 Potential Donald Trump Running Mates, From Chris Christie to Susana Martinez (Photos)
Watch the video below.
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